Show Of Force

Updated 11/16

Welcome to my kennel.

I have a prefix (.WoE.) that I affix to any dog I’ve bred. I might have a lot of breeds, but I picked some of the most colorful ones that I liked and I mayyybe got carried away. No takebacks now though! I take care of, train, and compete my dogs every day (unless something comes up and then I make sure to lock them.) I breed my females at 98 and 110. I'm no longer putting young males to stud. I will be waiting until they are older, like over 70 days. However you can message me with a link to your female dog and I'll consider it. Males that are already at stud will stay at stud until they retire. I try to price them reasonably judging their age, level, XPM. As I get more into the rare colors with some males that will also be a factor. They have a minimum level of 40.

I care about these dogs. I raise them for 3 months and it means something to me when my hard work pays off and they reach a milestone. I wish there was a Hall of Fame for dogs that reach a milestone that you could go back and look at them from time to time.

This is a list of the breeds I currently have, minus the breeds that are 1st gen or not bred by me. All levels are accurate at the time of me writing this. Clicking on the level will bring you to that dog's page. Give them some love:

-Aidi- Highest Level: 82
-Akita- Highest Level: 80
-American Bully- Highest Level: 85
-Berger Picard- Highest Level: 82
-Border Collie- Highest Level: 89
-Brittany- Highest Level: 81
-Cane Corso- Highest Level: 87
-Cardigan Welsh Corgi- Highest Level: 89
-Catahoula Leopard Dog- Highest Level: 83
-Chinook- Highest Level: 77
-Daschund- Highest Level: 82
-German Shepherd- Highest Level: 86
-Greenland Dog- Highest Level: 81
-Ibizan Hound- Highest Level: 83
-Kelpie- Highest Level: 83
-Kooikerhondje- Highest Level: 67
-Large Munsterlander- Highest Level: 92
-Saluki- Highest Level: 83
-Mudi- Highest Level: 90
-Norwegian Lundehund- Highest Level: 84
-Otterhound- Highest Level: 86
-Papillon- Highest Level: 87
-Rat Terrier- Highest Level: 83
-Rough Collie- Highest Level: 86
-Russell Terrier- Highest Level: 77
-Shetland Sheepdog- Highest Level: 95
-Silken Windhound- Highest Level: 74
-Stabyhoun- Highest Level: 86
-West Siberian Laika- Highest Level: 82
-Xoloitzcuintle- Highest Level: 84

Game Time

05:10pm on Mar 3

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