Oak Hill Guardian Stock


Some quick facts about me that you might not know:

? 20 years old. HELLA PREGNANT RN. Brain fog is a thing. Remind me to do things for you.
? Meme shitposter. Loves memes. BECOMES THE MEMES.
? Married as of July 26th 2017 to my nerd of 4 years.
? LOVES photography and is missing her camera daily.
? Crazy cat lady. Literally. Has. All. The. Cats.
? Lives on potatoes of all cuts, cookin' and seasonings, plus Tyson nugs and Dr. pepper (can almost always be bribed with Dr. Pepper)
? My sleep schedule is a mystery from day to day. Some days I'm awake at 1am for the day, and other times I'm up at 9am. I might sleep an hour, two hours or fourteen, we never know... ¯\_(?)_/¯
? Heavy gamer! If I'm not on here, I'm playing Overwatch, Ark, Dead by Daylight, etc. I play so much lmao. Mostly Overwatch! I main Mercy/Moira/Lucio, with a bit of Reinhardt/Zarya/Orisa/McCree on the side. I've just recently begun practicing Ana/Hanzo.

Game Time

06:38pm on Mar 28

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