
Welcome to my kennel!!

My name is Tash, and of course it’s a nickname. TashBrownLouise is another nickname reserved for near and dear people :D

Home here (I’m an Australian! My other half is American, so that’s where some of my American spelling comes from) My mom owns a red Border Collie, and a Maltese x.

IRL I’m a breeder of purebred rabbits, namely Miniature Lops and Miniature Rexes. I’m looking to cut back on the Lops so I’ll only have the Rexes. I’m also looking at moving to America at some stage, ultimate life goals and all that fun stuff.

I’m a simple human, living a rollercoaster of a life.

Enough about me. For everything FP related, please do read on. I accept all friend requests at this stage!

I will be starting to do checks on all kennels that place bids on my litters or ask for a breeding request. IF you've taken a dog that I've sold or bred and no longer need it, I'll happily take it back! Pease don't just leave it in a kennel neglected; I do check up on the pups I sell!

As for breeding my main focus is on the Droving breeds, as they are close to my heart. I also have projects with the following-


*Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever




*Old English Sheepdog


A PSA that if I place a reserve on a dog and you accept it and it doesn’t go through; it’s because I put any money I’m not immediately using in my bank so it can’t be stolen (Damn raccoons!!) Just shoot me a message, and I’ll take it out of the bank for you :)

Game Time

06:52am on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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