Dreamers Valley German Shepherds

  • Welcome!
This is my GSD {German Shepherd Dog} kennel, I only breed and adopt GSD! I hope to get some rare colored GSD and have them at do quality at the same time! One of my best bred GSD is Voilets are Blue
  • Adoption
To adopt a GSD pup or adult please,
  • 1. Think through were your going to keep he/she?
  • 2. What are you going to do with him/her?
  • 3. Is the puppy/dog going to be cared for with love?
  • 4. Are you willing to return the puppy/dog back if you cant keep him/her?
  • 5. Last question, are you going to retire him/her at 100 FP days?
Great! Know take all this info and message me Dream (#1478206) then once you get a thumbs up that you can adopt her/him I'll accept the bid.
  • Share the Love!
GSD are very common dog breed that makes them to the population in the US of over 3.5 million as of 2012. And 4.6% all the dogs registered in the AKC are GDS! To help share the love adopt a GSD and register him/she in the Guardian casso. And take good care of him/her!
  • Meet the Family!
When you look in to adopting a pup check out his/her parents it might help you decide! For example
Loves a Dream has a mother and a father his mother is Voilets are Blue and his father is Klaus well lets pretend that you go in the litter and see these parents you see that Klaus has a Fawn coat with a black saddle and mask and Voilets are Blue has a black and white (Irish) coat, they both have good genes so you look through their litter you see a male pup with a Fawn and white coat with a black saddle you point him out and think that he's perfect. See from this little story {which the dogs are real dogs in my kennel, plus their mother, son, and father} you can quickly find the right pup for you.
  • Kennel Bio
You look in to my kennel and see more then a dozen GSD well you might think "Why that girl loves GSD!" well the truth is I do love these beautiful loyal dogs with their thick coat that can be many colors and pricked ears. Well I have a list of some of my most loved breeds you can see this list on my main account, visit it here! You'll see many different dog breeds, I'm a big dog loving person so you'll see a lot of big breeds and maybe two or three smaller breeds. If you see my owner page you will see a verse from the bible and my level, on my main account I'm at level 16. I'm pretty good at making my rounds for checking on my pups so no need to worry! Hope this bio helped you, and hope to see you trying to adopt a GSD! ~Dream

Game Time

09:47am on Mar 11

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