Working dogs central

Hi I'm dogsunleashed and welcome to my kennel working dogs central my kennels are full let's meet the dogs I breed Staffordshire terrier, American Pitt bull terrier, Australian Shepherd, chiuauah, German Shepherd, Jack Russell terrier Siberian Husky and Pomeranian any ways I have started to breed a line of pittbulls that are mostly or completely brindle ( still a work in progress) and trying to Get rarer colors in my Siberian husky line but anyways just started the staffys, the shibas, the jack Russel's, and the Pomeranian haven't decided what to do with my sweedish vallhunds has I'm still discoving colors in they're line and breed I will right in dogs discription un- breed-able as a reminder that they have horrible genetics and can't be bred I only do 3-4 litters with each dog depending on genetics and the dog anyways if you buy a dog you get the second one of your choice free but that's it enjoy my kennel.have a great day/night

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09:48pm on Feb 1

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