Little Schutzhund Kennel

Josh | Focusing on Shutzhund| Shutzhund Guild

( A B O U T )
Welcome to the Little Schutzhund Kennel! My name is Josh and I am 23 years old in real life. In this kennel, we focus on the Schutzhund sport. I have a focus on the Belgian Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, German Shepherd, and Doberman. My hobby kennel has other breeds in it, but those four breeds are my current focus. I have a three-legged Belgian Malinois in real life and her name is Riley. I am kind and willing to talk to anyone. I’m mostly focusing on my dogs’ performance currently, but here and there breedings will happen. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message me. I do run a guild called the Schutzhund Guild. If you do decide to join the guild, please have a focus on Schutzhund in your kennel.

( B R E E D I N G )
If you want to breed with any of my dogs, you will have to have a multiplier of at least 1.000. Your dog will also have to genetically test in Excellent across the board. I don’t have many dogs up for public breeding and none of my females will ever be up for public breedings. I do have a couple studs, and no I will not lower the stud fee, not even for pick of the litter. I reserve the right to refuse a breeding even if your dog meets both of my requirements. If there is a stud dog you would like to breed to that is not currently up for stud, please message me and I may or may not put them up for stud for you. Stud fees are all decided by me and they can go up or down depending on how much I feel the stud fee is worth. I try not to make it unreasonable.

( S A L E S )
As far as sales go, I will sell dogs often enough. ALL of the dogs that I have bred that I sell will have my prefix, no exceptions. My prefix is JSL. That will never change and the dogs I breed will never be sold without that prefix. Dogs that are not performing at the caliber that I need/want them to perform at will be sold or retired. I do not abandon dogs at the Humane Society but I am not a rescue. Prices will be set on how much I think the dog is worth, but I am willing to negotiate, especially with newer players that are just getting a leg up. As far as my litter puppies that are up for sale, this is what I ask of people buying them.

*Do not abandon the dog at the Humane Society
*Take care of the dog. I’m not asking every day, but don’t neglect the cute pixels.
*Have the dog compete at the highest level you can get it to compete at.
*If you feel that you cannot take care of the dog (not just want to sell it), please contact me and I will buy it back from you.

Simple enough?

Game Time

09:55pm on Mar 6

Welcome Guest

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