Cicatrix Kennel

Hi, welcome to the kennel. I breed dogs of all kinds! Formerly known as Bruiser Kennel, I am currently rebranding in a sense. The name of this particular kennel is now Cicatrix Kennel.
Here's some important stuff to know.
I DO NOT ACCEPT FRIEND REQUESTS NOR DO I RESPOND TO MESSAGES. Sorry, but I am like this on all accounts of mine.
Shop prices: Shop prices for Seraid's Variety Shop vary on the item. Prices for grooming items are under $100. Rare items will cost much more, and items needed to take care of your dogs that are better than the basic items will be more expensive to an extent. You can check the shop's description for more details.
Dog prices: For newborn pups born here, the starting price for reservations is anywhere from $150 to $300 depending on the breed of dog it is, and that breed's in-game population. Various factors, such as health stats (hips, elbows, ears, eyes) and general stats (agility, charisma, intelligence, speed, stamina, strength), will determine extra additions to said price.
For adult dogs, the above applies, however, the starting price for young adults and older is the pup price times two. (e.g $150 becomes $300, $300 becomes $600, and the same applies to anything within that range)

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08:32pm on Mar 28

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