Haus Vom Thelevar

Hello. As you can tell, things are just getting running around here. Give me some time, bear with me as I learn, and feel free to drop me a line if you want to chat or give some helpful advice. If you are interested in a specific dog, please don't hesitate to let me know. I am usually amenable to sales or breeding. If I am not in a position to do either, I am often willing to part with a pup from a given dog under certain conditions. Dogs for sale will now be locked upon reaching level 10 as of 4/8/2019. Any dog up for sale that achieved level 10 before this date will be locked before midnight game time. Pups for sale will have requests honored in the order said requests were sent. I have been fairly pleased with what I've produced so far, so do keep an eye out for upcoming litters.

Game Time

09:24pm on Mar 6

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