The Bibliobibuli

About me!
Hi! I buy rescue dogs to resell them. While under my care, they are only locked when I am extremely busy (Excluding the bad quality kennel), are taken care of within a day, and they have no needs. They are sold at a fair price, and in theory, I make a profit in exchange for my time taking care of them. None of them will go hungry, thirsty, dirty, locked, or unhappy under my watch! If you really hate that I am reselling a dog that was previously yours, message me and I will return it to you for only the price of the upkeep I have kept on it, ie the cost of its food, training, competitions, chews and bowls. I lock them only if I will be unable to take care of them, for instance if I am on vacation, but that is a rare time indeed. They may be locked if I bought them recently, and haven't gotten around to taking care of them, but any dogs I have had for more than a day will be unlocked, and I will only re-lock dogs if I am away/busy, as previously stated. (: Also, I don't sell dogs above retirement age, once they have lived to 101, I retire them (:

Ex: I bought "Sheldon's" dog for 0 dollars. I spent, conservatively, 400 dollars on the food and water bowls. I then spent 60 dollars on the pig ear, not including every time it broke. I spent 500 dollars to start training it, and spent approx. 100 dollars to compete it out every day. I spent a negligible amount on the food, and spent 200 to train it per day. So assuming Sheldon asked for his dog back after one day, as he felt my business practices were shady, I would ask for around 1300, with the cost getting higher every subsequent day. I will do my best to work with you if you feel slighted, and please don't be rude. It's a dog eat dog world out there, as it were. (:

If you are reading this about page, you obviously care about the dogs, so you can have a 5% discount! Just message me with the names of the dogs you wish to buy, and I will send you a transfer with the discount. Thanks for caring!

Here is how I price dogs, with some exceptions. If you wish to buy dogs from me in bulk, please message me and I will consider giving a discount. If you have any questions, please message me! Thank you!


Any Fair: 100

4 Good: 5,000

1 Excellent: 6,500

2 Excellent: 9,500

3 Excellent: 20,000

4 Excellent:

1.) 1-5 HH 30,000

2.) 6-10 HH 60,000 - 100,000

3.) 11-15 HH 110,000 - 150,000

4.) 16-20 HH 160,000 - 200,000

5.) 21-22 210,000 - 220,000

6.) 23 250,000

7.) 24 300,000

Move All To Attic Genotype Checker *************************************************************************************************
I've Got Quality Golden Retrievers on
I've Got Quality Korean Jindos on
************************************************************************************************* Plans:

1. Sell lots of dogs, which will be taken care of as best as I can.

2. Establish my own 24HH LALA 1.5x lines of Golden Retrievers, Korean Jindos, Hovawarts, Kooikerhondjes and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers.

3. Complete every achievement.

4. Collect every dragon critter.

5. Collect 50 critters that are not dragons.

6. Earn BOB on dogs from my lines.

7. Have a total liquid fund of 1 billion dollars, assuming 1FPP = 2mil.

Game Time

12:21pm on Mar 3

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