Slytherin's Kennel

Welcome to my kennel! I breed rare-colored Border Collies and German shepherds here (I also have a lot of Cavs), so feel free to request a wierd-looking dog XD (IF ANYONE CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO BREED RARE-COLOR CAVALIERS I WOULD BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!) This was inspired by my real-life rare-colored dog. I have a solid black Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (for those of you that aren't familiar with this breed, they only come in four colors: white & reddish tan (called blenheim), tri-color (white & black with tan markings), ruby (solid reddish-tan), and black & tan (Rottweiler markings)). Apparently all colors were accepted (like with Cockers) until 1973, when the dog show decided it can pick favorites. Black, white & black, chocolate (a mutation where the black parts are a chocolate brown, apparently this is linked to a gene that can LENGTHEN THE DOG'S LIFE), and even solid white still exist, but are not "official" colors. It is *EXTREMELY* hard to find information on this topic, and apparently some Cav breeders don't know this, think there's something wrong when a pup has a rare color, and end up getting rid them because they think they're a mistake. I've also seen Cav breeders online saying that rare-colored dogs should always be fixed and never breed, but this is the *worst* idea I've ever heard. Cavs have too many health problems to take a potentially not-messed-up dog out of the gene pool. In fact, there's only around six known Cavaliers that are free of the gene that causes their severe heart problems. (seriously, if there's *anything* you'd like to know about cavaliers, I'm an expert by now lol) #thedogshowisracist #makecavaliersgreatagain

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11:35am on Mar 28

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