Tis A Flying Dog!


.Females Level 1-9: Lacrima Salmon And Veggies // Males Level 1-9: Lacrima Beef And Rice // Females Level 10-29: Lacrima Premium Salmon And Rice // Males Level 10-29 Lacrima Premium Beef And Rice // Females Level 30-59 Lacrima Canned Salmon // Males Level 30-59 Lacrima Canned Beef // Females + Males Level 60-99: Lacrima Organic Health Formula // Females + Males Level 100+: Chicken Tidbits.

Border Collies Over 18HH: Both Females + Males Same Principle | Bred Once At 50 Days Of Age | Then Bred Again At 90 Days Then Retired | Border Collies Under 18HH: Both Females + Males Same Principle | Bred At 90 Days Then Retired | West Siberian Lakia Dogs: Females Currently | Bred At 40 Days Of Age Then Never Again Males Currently | Bred At 40 Then 90 Days Of Age Then Retired | Shetland Sheepdogs (To Be Updated With New Kennel Also): Females 20HH Lla + Over | Bred At 50 Days Of Age And Again At 101 Days Then Retired Females 19HH + Ll And Under | Bred At Same Times Males 20HH + Lla And Over | Bred At Oldest Possible When Female Is 50 - 101 Days (24HH's Bred Any Time) Males 19HH + Ll And Under | Bred At 50 Again At 98.

Border Collies (Trying To Get Them All Agility Aptitudes) | Both Same With Females + Males | If Not Fully Trained Then NOT Entered In Any Competition | Trained Everyday Until Fully Trained.

Help me save more unwanted dogs! Donations: You do not believe how appreciated they are! FPD/FPP, Bowls, Beds, Leads, Collars, Chews/Krongs Anything helps! // If you would like a dog, then please come to my shelter I have many unwanted dogs needing homes. If you know of anyone selling an unwanted dog, please get them to transfer the dog to me, so I can find that dog a loving home. If you have an unwanted dog, please send it to me. // DREAM DOG SCHEME: To be part of the 'Dream Dog Scheme' you pay 5000 FPD a month which means you can get a free dog (At anytime) if you enquire about it before it's to late! PLEASE NOTE that you can still enquire about a dog without being part of the Scheme (Please PM Me If you Are Interested There Will Also Be Other Options) Trials: If you want to join the Dream Dog Scheme you can join my 'One Month Free' trial! // Take A Look In 'All Dogs For Sale - Enquire' in my kennel and if there is a dog that catches your eye just PM me and enquire about them and fill in the form (Above) Have a nice day :) DREAM DOG SCHEME LINK: Clicky

Border Collies -- Boost Focus: spd == Shetland Sheepdogs -- Boost Focus: stm == West Siberian Lakia Dog -- Boost Focus: int == Dalmatian -- Boost Focus: agi == Australian Shepherds -- Boost Focus: agi == American Cocker Spaniels -- Boost Focus: stm == English Cocker Spaniels -- Boost Focus: agi == Other Breeds: Pomeranians = Swedish Valhunds = German Shepherds = Australian Cattle Dogs = Miniature Dachshunds == Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers == Miniature Australian Shepherds == Croatian Sheepdogs == Chihuahua == English Shepherd == French Bulldog == Flat Coated Retriever == Icelandic Sheepdogs == Jack Russel Terrier == Kooikerhondje == Lhasa Apso == Papillon == Portuguese Water Dog == Saarloos Wolfdog == Silken Windhound == Skye Terrier == Standard Poodle == Welsh Terrier == Norwegian Elkhound

Layout Coded By Darkcloud <3

Game Time

12:06pm on Mar 28

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