Pacific Coast Kennels and Rescue

The war continues. The Wild dogs are strangely silent, when three of their pups are found. All the packs grapple over who will get them, when the prophecy comes, silence rules. Tensions have never been this high. The prophecy reads; One in three. Three in one. The power of water, air, and darkness runs in their blood. The power is feared, for it lies within a monster, of whom may be the only hope to end the fight. —————————————————————————————————————— Coyotie sighed as he watched Swift Fern scent the air. He had just been informed by Soft Cherry and Tall Wind that there was a prophecy, supposedly about him, and his siblings Cliff and Almond. This information was eating at his thoughts. Swift Fern seemed to notice, “Something on your mind?” He asked, coming over and sitting down next to him. He shrugged. Swift Fern had been like a father to him after he had been recived into SkyPack, as well was the fact that he was his mentor, “It’s...” he stopped himself “Its nothing” —————————————————————————————————————— Cliff stared at River Splash, studying his technique as he arranged the pack into battle formations. He felt a rush of pride for his pack, who listened attentively for the next directions. He saw a flash of fur out of the corner of his eye, and realized it was Almond, his sister. He trotted over to her while River Splash continued giving orders, and plopped down by Almond. She was staring absently at the entrance of the camp, and jumped when she noticed him. He tilted his head “Whacha thinking about?” She sighed “Have you ever thought... that... maybe we should be somewhere else?” Cliff was a little taken aback “Somewhere else? Are you crazy?” He flicked an ear irritability “Our pack needs us. They won’t have a leader, or a Beta, if we leave!” Cliff stared suspiciously at Almond, who nodded absent-mindedly “Ok.” —————————————————————————————————————— Almond took a deep breath of fresh air as she trotted through the territory. She had just left Cliff, puzzled, in the camp. She trotted past the overhang, the training hollow, and stopped at the Great Willow. The Great Willow was actually a WEEPING willow tree. She gazed at it with sparkling eyes, it was her favorite spot in the territory, and was around the edge. The territory felt small to her, and to think that NightPack might make it smaller... by taking the Great Willow nonetheless! She sighed, then looked around. She saw some white from the corner of her eye, and whirled around, tail wagging fiercely “Drift!” She barked warmly. Drift’s head shot in her direction at the sound of her voice, he smiled, and trotted over “Almond! Did he agree?” She cast her gaze at her paws “Well... Not really...” She looked back up, eyes glittering “Have you been apprenticed yet?” She asked enthusiastically. Drift puffed out his chest “Yep! I’m training to become a patroller, and my mentor is Pebble!” Almond trotted closer, pressing her snout to Drift’s cheek “I love you...” Drift licked her ear “I know.” —————————————————————————————————————— Things have changed. Another pup has been found, and the packs have no idea what to do... —————————————————————————————————————— Coyotie was laying in his nest, Squirrel tossing beside him. Coyotie lifted his head, and slunk out of the den, where he found Tall Wind organizing the patrollers. Ember Rabbit was trying to get him to get more rest. He had been very sick recently, unable to do any more than quiver at times. Soft Cherry was confounded, she had never seen anything like this before. He had nausea, fever, coughing fits, and a stuffy nose. She had given him Tani roots for his fever, Alltin leaves for his nose, and he had sucked on some mint leaves for his dry cough. Tall Wind finally agreed, and returned to his den. Ember Rabbit started to order the patrollers, and Coyotie sat back, sighing. He heard russeling behind him, and turned to see Squirrel coming out “Hey.” He yapped “Hi.” Squirrel replied. Squirrel looked around “Where’s Cloud?” Coyotie sat up, realizing that he haden’t seen Cloud since he had woken up “Dunno.” —————————————————————————————————————— Cliff sighed as the sun rose, filling the quarry with light. What a great day he thought. The hunters had already come back from the morning hunt, bringing back a few rabbits and a doe. Pride warmed his chest. The new arrivals, Falling Snow and Soot Speckle had pulled their weight so far, and he would be leader soon! So many great things. He looked around for Almond, noting that she wasn’t in camp. He sighed, then, he heard howls coming from the NightPack side of the border. Was that... Almond? He had practiced organizing the battle patrol, and summoned it. Everyone rushed to their spots, Falling Snow and Soot Speckle tumbling after them. They arranged themselves quickly, and River Splash trotted to his side, and turned to him, confused, “What’s happening?” Cliff’s tail twitched nervously “Almond.” he muttered. River Splash seemed confused “Almond?” Cliff gestured in the direction of the Great Willow “I heard her howl from over there” River Splash shifted “Got it. I’ll take them from here. You wait at camp, got it?” Cliff was slightly stunned. Stay at camp? While his sister might be injured in the forest? No way! “Stay here?” He asked, hoping his voice sounded more angered than scared “But I have to be-“ River Splash cut him off sharply “Den. Now.” He growled. Cliff shrank, and slunk to his den, plopping down on his nest with a worried sigh. —————————————————————————————————————— Almond crawled past Cliff’s sleeping figure, careful not do disturb him. Near the entrance of the den, she accidentally stepped on a brittle twig with her hind leg, snapping it. Cliff’s ears and paw twitched, before settling again. She puffed a sigh of relief, and continued forward, out of the den. As she trotted past the overhang, it started to rain. She looked up, and a dark drop fell on her nose. She sighed, and paced under the overhang, willing the bad weather to go away. She sniffed the air. NightPack! She gave a low, throaty growl. They must have planned for the rain that night. But they didn’t account for a Saarloos Wolfdog! She thought fiercely. She trotted forward, only for rain to pelt her like bullets. She pushed through the piercing rain, to the Great Willow. She looked around, eyes slitted against the rain, and saw a flash of black “Soot Speckle?” She called out nervously. Another flash of black. Then she smelled it again. NightPack. It’s stench burned her nostrils, and she looked around, seeing she was surrounded. NightPack’s leader stepped forward, the circle closing a little behind him “You’re on our territory, you little river-loving rat.” Dark Moon hissed “Otter.” She mumbled “What was that?” He growled. Almond shifted a little nervously “A river-loving rat is technically an otter.” Dark Moon wasn’t amused. He lunged, pinning her “We don’t handle intruders lightly” he growled in her face. Almond turned her head away, his breath smelled like a rotting rabbit carcass. He huffed, another blast of his rotten breath filling her already burning nose “Fine. We’ll go easy on you.” Her tensed body untensed, but then started to shiver as Dark Moon moved his claws over to her right side. He drew them across her flank, Almond howling in pain as he drew them slowly, and deep. When he was done, he grabbed her by the scruff, still bleeding, to the point of the training hollow. He dropped her “This is our land now. Got it?” She didn’t do more than shiver until he left. When he was gone, she fumbled clumsily to her paws, and started looking around for herbs to use to stop the bleeding. Blossom Droplet had secretly taught her some when she had told her that she wanted to become a healer. She found some moss, and stuffed it firmly into her wound, flinching as she did so. Then, she found son Wedlin roots, and chewed on the end, the pain in her wound dying away. Then, she heard crashing in the underbrush. It was coming towards her. —————————————————————————————————————— Ash sniffed around his new camp while his “packmates” went to mark territory. He was interested with the large boulder which served as the leader’s den. It had somehow been hollowed out, and was pushed up against a small rise. The den where he had been sleeping was way too cramped with Spider, Panther, and Shadow all in it. But he enjoyed their company after his lonely nights of traveling. What was he running from? He wondered. He always ignored the feeling that something wasn’t right. Plus, there was the voice, Dark. The voice had told him his name, and had been helping him survive alone. Dark had been awfully quiet since he had arrived. He had tried to talk to them, but they never replied. He sniffed around some more, then gave up, heading to his small den to sleep. —————————————————————————————————————— Coyotie noticed Cloud slinking into the camp, his usually groomed, kept pelt had thorns and burrs imbedded in it. This was the fourth time that he had noticed Cloud was out of camp without his mentor. Coyotie shook out his pelt, and trotted over to Coud, who was starting to remove the burrs and thorns with his teeth “Hey Cloud. What happened? You look like you were put backwards though a bramble!” Cloud shifted, stopping for a second “Well, I was looking for some herbs, ya know, for Soft Cherry.” He replied smoothly. Coyotie nodded convincingly, but didn’t believe his story “And you got those burrs and thorns how?” Cloud straightened “Trying to reach through branches to get Tharn berries.” He replied silkily. Coyotie nodded “So, where are the berries?” Cloud seemed alarmed “Er- I gave them to Soft Cherry already.” His words were mumbled, and he continued to pick out the shrubbery lining his fur. Coyotie sighed doubtfully, and turned to walk to his den, pondering what Cloud could be doing. —————————————————————————————————————— Cliff paced eagerly. Only two more days! He thought. Brook was becoming a healer soon too, but not before he became leader. Brook was tending to Almond’s injuries, and due to her sneaking out of camp, she wouldn’t be beta until at least Brook was a healer. Cliff was worried for her, one of the cuts had got infected, but he wasn’t as worried as he was excited to be leader. He trotted over to River Splash, who was laying in his den. River Splash lifted his head when he noticed Cliff coming his way “Hey Cliff. Need something?” Cliff shook his head “No, I’m just anxious.” River Splash nodded, a playful gleam in his eye “We could always go over the history of the pack.” He offered, sitting up. Cliff’s ears went back, slightly annoyed. History was his least favorite subject, and River Splash knew that. Cliff shook his head vigorously “Nonono. Please. Anything else.” River Splash chuckled, and stood “Let’s go hunt.” He said in a way that sounded like an offer, but Cliff knew it was more of an order. He followed River Splash out the entrance, and they got on their way. They took down a doe, and a rabbit, and brought it back to camp. Cliff headed straight for his den, worn out, and fell asleep. —————————————————————————————————————— Almond laid in the nest, agitated, but her wound throbbing. Blossom Droplet was amused by her uncomfortableness, and told her to roll onto her back, which was considered a demonstration of submission. She groaned, and rolled over, glaring heavily at Blossom Droplet, who’s tail twitched with laughter. River Splash had told her that if she didn’t do what Blossom Droplet told her to, she couldn’t become beta. Almond huffed “Can I roll back over now?” She demanded. Blossom Droplet grinned, and called to Brook “Come refresh Almond’s wounds!” She called, her smile gone, and nervousness setting in her orange eyes. Almond was slightly confused, and looked down at her wound. It was a burning red color, and looked like it was wet, which it wasn’t. She groaned again, and mumbled “Please?” Blossom Droplet shook her head “Brook needs you in that position to tend the wounds.” And, as if reading her mind, she added “Only part of it was to amuse me.” Almond sighed, screwing her eyes shut in pain as Brook rubbed the wound with a poluce —————————————————————————————————————— Ash lifted his head as Leaping Spider poked his head into the den “Hi Ash! You doin good?” Ash shifted, slightly embaressed “Yep! Fine...” he mumbled. Dark? He thought loudly, then, to his surprise, Dark responded “Ash, just leave me alone? Ok?” He huffed. Ash jumped, and Leaping Spider tilted his head with concern, and Ash shuffled, embarrassed. He mumbled “Sorry Dark, not right now.” Leaping Spider waved his tail “Huh?” Ash looked up, jolted “Erm, nothing.” He yapped. Leaping Spider searched his expression, then nodded “Ok then.” Ash curled up, and shoved his nose under his tail, muffling his voice “Dark!” He whispered excitedly. Dark huffed back a whispery reply “Yes, I’m still here. Surprise surprise. Now will ya shush?” Ash sighed, and replied “Why did you leave me?” He could almost hear Dark shuffle uncomfortably, and he growled back “Leave it alone kid, I’m not your possession.” Ash hunched his shoulders “Ok, but only for now...” ——————————————————————————————————————STORY DISCONTINUED——————————————————————————— I have stopped making this due to forgetfulness, the ages are no longer in line with the story so I’m putting it down. If you wish it to continue, please contact me

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12:47pm on Mar 11

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