Ludibrium Kennel



thanks for visiting my kennel and/or entrusting one of your dogs with me!

i am super forgetful and might place bids/breeding requests multiple times, i swear i'm not being pushy, i'm just kinda dumb and scatterbrained.

i will now only breed dogs 2-3 times at the most, at age 60 at the earliest.

my kennel/breeding program:
- primarily trying to breed EEEE bostons (and EEEE dogs in general). prioritizing health above all else.
- lots of achievement dogs! achievement dogs have (A) in their names. pretty much any breed that i don't already specialize in is an achievement dog.
- i track the generations of my breeding projects. (P) is the parental generation, (F1) is the first generation of dogs i've bred, (F2) is the second, and so on.
- markers like (HoM) [LUDI House of Memories] or (SDC) [LUDI Stardust Crusader] signify that the dog's lineage traces back to a notable dog, or lines that i just want to keep track of. once a dog is over 5 generations removed from that progenitor, the marker will be removed.
- currently, i have no plans to specialize in any breeds other than the mudi and the boston terrier.
- i am really bad at names... so you'll see a lot of unnamed dogs.
- i do not abandon dogs, and i do my best to make sure my buyers don't either, but things happen. if you find a LUDI prefix dog in rescue, please DM me so i can take it back (unless you would like to keep it).
- i prefer to avoid inbreeding, but it's not always possible if a breed has a seriously low population. sibling/sibling and parent/offspring breedings will never happen or be approved.

buying/breeding policy:
1. dogs that do NOT score all excellent/EEEE will NOT be sold. no exceptions. do not DM me regarding buying a dog/puppy that is not EEEE.
2. i sell to new players, but i will always check your kennel. if you are not consistently caring for your dogs or doing your best to improve them, i will not sell to you or approve stud requests.
3. generally, dogs are priced $100 per 10 stat points of their highest stat. this is not always the case.
4. if you immediately resell a puppy or dog, you will be blocked.
5. if you abandon a dog i sold you for any reason, you will be blocked.
6. do not DM me about buying an adult dog unless it's already for sale.
7. sibling/sibling and parent/offspring breedings will never be approved.
8. stud requests will not be approved if a female has been bred more than 3 times.

Game Time

10:46am on Mar 11

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