Cielo Alto Kennel

Specializes in German Shepherds (for now at least!). Mainly celestial themed names.

Hi! My name is Bella! I am a cat enthusiast, aspiring animal behaviorist, and cheese lover. I have played virtual pet games for as long as I can remember, and I've never really been a fan of typical video games. It's similar with movies, TV shows, books -- I've never been much of a fantasy person, sticking to realistic themes that I can personally relate to.

My current favorites: Skam, Andi Mack, Young The Giant, RKS, Coldplay, 90's & 2000's pop.

Quick facts: I've been a pescetarian for 5 years! -- I have heterochromia, or two different colored eyes. -- I find the smell of vaporub super calming & I have a jar of it with me sometimes, just in case I start getting anxious. -- I have two cats, three dogs, and a coal skink in my real life.

Sebastian 11.18.08 - 09.25.16 -- Stella 02.14.15 - 05.20.17
Gideon 2007 - 02.25.18 -- Melody 06.02.10 - 06.02.19
"What a beautiful world it would be if people had hearts like dogs."

Game Time

11:27pm on Feb 19

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