Cascade Dogs (CaDo)
Welcome to my kennel! Cascade Dogs (CaDo) is my kennel name. I specialise in Standard Poodles. I will take in any sort of breed to rehome or retire it, as I hope to give all dogs, virtual or not, a good home. I am trying to breed and have every single colour a Standard Poodle can be. Help me out by either...
a) Showing me all the possible combonations, or
b) gifting/giving me a Standard Poodle that could help with my project.
Prices for puppies go like this:
Horrible - 1FPD
Fair - 100FPD
Good - 500FPD
Excellent - 1000FPD
For example, if I am selling a HFGE dog, it would be 1+100+500+1000, and the total woukd be the total price. Or if I am selling a EEEE dog, it would be 1000!
+1000+1000+1000, the total price would be 4000FPD.
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