Sighthounds of Summer Range

Your dog yanks you up the mountain, forcing you to surrender to its wills as it tugs and whines. In the distance you can see a large cabin, warm smoke curling out of it. Your dog quickly drags you to the cabin, winding you around a gravel trail. Your dog scratches on the door desperately, an odd trance consuming them. The door slides open, unsettling dust that shows the front door has not been open for a while. In the doorway is a blonde woman with a tired but pleased face, barks coming from behind her. Your dog wiggles towards her and she scratches behind its ear. "Hey there. Can I help you?" She looks uncomfortable but opens the door wider and invites you to come inside. You shrug and enter. Inside of the cabin, there are a few dogs, all of them with the slender build of a sighthound. They look at you suspiciously from their part of the room, which is blocked by a large dog gate. One of them barks from a ragged bed. All of the dogs look ready to get you out of the house. All of them except for one, which bears the traits of a pit bull. It wags its tail slowly, sitting down and looking from you to the woman. "Lincoln, come." She mutters, sitting down on the slumping couch by the door. Lincoln follows her immediately, resting his head on her lap. You sit down on the chair across from her, twiddling your dog's leash. Your dog presses towards you, looking nervous. "What brings you here?" The woman repeats, bringing you to reality. "I don't know. My dog just brought me here." The woman's face looks contorted with surprise. "That's a first! Well, welcome. I'm Cami. Welcome to Sighthounds of Summer Rescue. Though, of course, up here there isn't much summer compared to blizzards. I'm surprised you didn't slip and fall. This is Lincoln. He's a psychiatric service dog in training for my mental illnesses. Good to meet you." Cami strokes her dog's head absently while she introduces herself. You talk for an hour or so, somehow winding up with large warm mugs of peach tea. You talk about dogs and life and you leave feeling warm and pleased.

Game Time

09:05pm on Mar 28

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