Azadeh Salukis

Welcome to Azadeh Salukis!

Here at Azadeh you can meet quality Salukis.
Other breed is Scottish Deerhound.

Current litters:

*Siraj al Din X Saffanah

Future breedings:

*Salim Safiy x Baheera Shadan
*Sahl Samman x Shiyam
*Sahl Samman x Aaliyah
*Siraj al Din x Yamha
*Arfan x Lujayn
*Nayif x Reminisce
*Shakir/Shamal x Buthayna (black&silvers)
Lease to Stonomola #516306: Balsam al Azadeh @ 50 days.
*Eòghann/Dùghall x Wylie
*Donnach/Diarmad x Jinty (brindles)
*Bellman x Daisy Mae
If you're interested of having an Azadeh pup, message me!

For sale:


Breeding rules:

*If you make a breeding request, make sure your dog has at least all GOODs in it's genetics (EXCELLENTs preferred) and is over level 30.
*Use of Puppy Raising Pamphlet is a MUST.
*I breed my females max. 2 or 3 times. 100th day litter is usually reserved for myself.

Game Time

01:04am on Mar 12

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