
You drive up a long drive way. Lush grass around you with lovely birch trees growing. A a huge fenced area shows a black and white gypsy vanner munching on grass. Only to look up when you slowly drive pass. You park the car and the clear delicate smell of flowers hits your nose. You take in a breath and look up to see a German Shepard come towards you. "Hi there!." You look up to see what looks like a teenager or someone who is in there early twenties. "Hi. Is this DogTraining200?" You ask. "Sure is." She comes and pets the German Shepard. "His name is Ranger. And mine is Nova." You look down at the dog wagging his tail gleefully. "My name is Roy. I heard about you in the newspaper. Just wanted to check it out. I also have a dog I wanted to drop off to get trained while i'm gone on vacation." Another German Shepard appeared. She was a little frightened of the place but warmed right up when Ranger came over and bopped her nose. "Alright, whats her name?" Nova asked. But the man was already driving away and left through the gates. Nova looked up surprised. He did not even leave his phone number or what this girls name was. Nova bent down and stroked the dogs head. "Well then maybe he had an emergency. Lets go get you set up." Nova walked the dog to her own kennel. And after waiting day after day. The man never showed up again. A few months later Nova set down a water bowl. "Here you go Rain." Nova said as she pet the German Shepard's head. "Look at this, I finally was able to get the papers to adopt you. Your mine now." She said swinging papers in the air. Rain got up and licked Novas face through the door and barked. "Because of you, I am know going to take in neglected dogs my beautiful girl."

Game Time

10:28pm on Mar 6

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