From 20th of May 2020 Recollection will invest in the following breeds:
American Pit Bull Terrier, Finnish Lapphund, Finnish Spitz, Golden Retriever, Karelian Bear Dog, Lapponian Herder, Mudi, Swedish Vallhund, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Whippet. I don't have any other breeds after that day. All the Recollection puppies have the prefix Recol in their name. All my dogs' health results are good or excellent. I also have only females for now.
I started more professional breeding 17th of May 2020. After that I breed females at the age of 94-97 days and 106-109 days, time depends whether I find a suitable male for the female. Puppies which have born before that are what they are.
I don’t yet have a clear formula for pricing my dogs. At its cheapest, I sell dogs for $1,000, but higher prices have more variation. I try to keep in line that one level raises the price of a dog all the way from $500 from the second level. In terms of health, the starting price for dogs who have four excellents is $5,000, for three excellents $3,000, for two excellents $2,000 and for one excellent ones $1,000. Each fair result lowers the value of the dog $100 and each poor lowers it $200. Each HH raises the value of the dog $200 and based on its inheritance, the value of those leaving large litters (lala) rises to $1,000 and that of medium-sized litters (LL, Ll, or Lla) to $500.
Let's take an example to clarify. I am selling a level 1 dog with three excellent health outcomes and one fair. The dog has one HH and inherited the dog leaves medium-sized litters. The price will then be $4,600.

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