Sky's the Limit [ i <3 my dogz!!!]

You enter Rose's property as you wonder, "What could be here?" Rose shows you her Kennel, and the many dogs she has. After a long 3 hours of showing you her dogs (Yikes, she has TOO MANY!) she leads you to a Critter Pasture, where wild lavender grows in hundreds. "This is the Lavender Fields," She says with delight. She opens the gate to let you in, and in a flash, a golden canary lands on your shoulder. "Wow," you gasp as the golden canary shows off it's shining wings. Just then, a silky soft calico persian snuggles up to your leg, purring. She sees a mouse and then chases after it, meowing as her mouth waters. Then you continue to a small cave, where 3 baby dragons pop their heads out, and squeak in curiosity at the sight of you. "Its ok, they don't breathe fire!" Says rose. They run up to you, wings fluttering curiously. Just then, you hear an angry meow. Its a mean cat, sitting on a rock. "Be wary of him," warns rose. "he was born a feral, so its not his fault hes always angry with all these pets around." Says rose. You continue to a small patch of lavender, where 2 cute-as-a-button bunnies pop out. "This one's Moo," says rose as she points to the agouti one, "and the small baby one is Fluffy." They hop over to you and sniff at your shoe in curiosity. They then hop off to play with the other animals. You gasp in awe as you see the natural beauty of this Pasture, and see the animals run free.

Game Time

12:06pm on Mar 28

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