Misty Mountain German Shepherds

Welcome to Misty Mountain German Shepherds, where we spend time creating quality German Shepherd Dogs. We breed for intelligence and utility, creating dogs that are great for anyone, whether they are working for police, or they're just family pets.
Kennel Rules: If you buy a dog from me, I expect you to treat the dog like it is real. Treat me and anyone around me with kindness, and I don't want to see any hate towards my kennel, or a friend's. I'm doing my best, and so are all of my friends. If I have dogs for sale, they are listed here in my About page.
I have currently 0 dog(s) for public sale, at a relatively cheap price.
No current puppies available.
If you are looking for items you may need for your dogs, be sure to check out my store: Easy Essentials! I stock it daily (At least I try to) with new items that you may need in your daily life as a Furry Paws Breeder! In easy Essentials, you will find items like: Beds, Collars, Leashes, Food, Treats, Toys! All of these items are cheap and ready for you to take home with you, so stop by and have a look around!
About the Breeder: Hello everyone, My name is Daniel! I tend to be a friendly person, both in game and out! I have a German Shepherd named Holly, who I rescued in October of 2019. I don't know for sure how old she is, but I think at the time that I got her she was about 10 months old. I'm a 2020 graduate (yay me!) and I'm training Holly in Schutzhund. I love coffee, I'm 18 years old, and I'm a Disney nut. If you want to message me outside of Furry Paws, feel free to message me for my Discord. If you need anything, from suggestions for the shop, to buying a dog, or to just have someone to talk to, I am always here to chat!
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