Plas Goewin


About Plas Goewin

Plas Goewin is home to my (eventual) 24HH lala Komondor project. At the moment, my Komondor line is not well established and so my dogs are of low quality. Accordingly, my current Komondors are not available for sale or breeding. The darlings just aren't up to scratch.
Additional breeds: Check out my 'eclectic' kennel for a complete overview. You are more than welcome to buy any one of these 'eclectic' dogs. PM me if you want to negotiate a price. I'm likely to accept your offer, although that isn't guaranteed. Either way, I don't bite! (clicky to PM). Ditto for breeding! I'm also happy to accept breeding requests to my females, although there are extra requirements.

1) Komondors are unavailable.
2) My females must be at least 80 days old to breed.
3) My females won't be bred more than twice.
4) I refuse to sell dogs that I require for achievements.


Komondor Goals:

  • Breed from gen 1
  • Avoid inbreeding (initially)
  • Breed twice at 98 and 10 only1
  • Priorities:
  1. lala
  2. EEEE
  3. Double stat boost (int?)
  4. Exceptional herding aptitude
  5. 24HH
  6. High multipliers

Infrequently Asked Questions

This whole kennel page is under construction!


Artsy Stuff

Kennel Mascot: Gelert

Gelert is named after the loyal dog of Welsh legend
Design is by Mongrel (#1550092)

Game Time

08:23pm on Mar 28

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