I am currently specializing in Dalmatians, Australian Cattle Dogs and Dogo Argentinos.
I am not picky on who I breed to and if you really need a stud but do not have the money just message. I love to encourage line diversity. As long as you keep care of your dogs and don't overbreed you will be accepted.
Most males will be put up for stud around 90 days. The pricing is done as follows:
20-24HH - 1000x Level
20HH and lower - 500x Level
If you are interested in a female, please message me. Females will only be available at 88/89 days.
Females will only be available if above 20HH. The pricing is as follows: 5000x Level
Just message to inquire about a dog if it is not up for requests. I'm most likely to lazy to keep updating it.
If anyone is interested in becoming a breeding partner or buying any puppies with any of the above breeds, just send me a quick message
I don't often have dogs for sale, on occasion I will have puppies from certain litters for sale and they will be posted on the boards.
If you are interested in buying a puppy from a certain dog just let me know. Puppies are usually a minimum bid of 100-200k - I let the buyer decide what they are comfortable with paying. As long as you take care of your dogs I will accept!
Please do not use this opportunity to buy my pups and sell for a much higher price. This really sucks and I know when you do it :(
My name is Jazzy, I have been on furry-paws for a long time, I honestly cannot remember when I started! I live in Canada and currently work at a veterinary clinic. I have two cats and a dog
My goals are to achieve 24HH and high multipliers without direct inbreeding.
Diversifier Dogs 21/40
American Cocker Spaniel
American Pit Bull Terrier
American White Shepherd
Appenzeller Mountain Dog
Australian Cattle Dog
Border Collie
Dogo Argentino
Ibizan Hound
Saarloos Wolfdog
Saint Bernard
Shetland Sheepdog
Sussex Spaniel