Deku Rescue Kennel Team


Woo! Finals are done! For now... more in 3 weeks... sigh


Deku Rescue is where abandoned or cheap dogs are brought back to life through care and hard work. They are then adopted out as better dogs with a goal that they won't get dumped or sold cheap. Dogs are adoptable when they reach level 5+ but if you are interested in a dog below level 5 just Pm and the dog will gladly be adopted out to you after your kennel is approved :) All dogs are trained, competed, and leveled till they are adopted (except for Old Timers, or if the kennel is overwhelmed. Then adoptable dogs may be temporarily locked.) All dogs are registered in a Casso prior to being placed up for adoption. There are a few requirements to adopting rescues. 1. You must take care of them. 2. Your kennel must first be approved by me or my team. 3. They cannot be resold for at least one month.( If you can’t keep them I will buy back the dog from you for full price.) If you did not read the requirements prior to adopting the dog and/or you can no longer keep the dog, please send a message and Deku Rescue will take the dog back and refund your adoption fee. If it is seen that any of these requirements are ignored you will be *BLOCKED*, added to the Deku Rescue ‘No Sale’ list, and will no longer be able to adopt from our rescue. The dogs are checked on frequently so it will be known by the team if you ignore the requirements, so please just follow them. :) Oldtimers: Oldtimers are dogs that have been sitting on the adoption bench for awhile, so to get them back in the game their adoption fees are dropped $1000-$2000. Thanks! To see the rescue dogs, please go see Spark storm. Her ID is 1532501!


I sometimes do bulk orders if I am working on my consumer achivement... So feel free to pm me about any bulk orders you want!

RP Characters

Name & ID: Darkness (1552489) Dog’s Name: Dark Hope (Hope) Gender:Female Age:2 years Breed: Australian Koolie Specialities:None yet Appearance: Follow this link or look at my kennel for the dog named "Dark Hope" She looks like this but has many scars and nicks on her ears and one large scar from her ear to her jaw. Personality: Mate:None yet Pups:none yet Parents:unknown Siblings:Artemis (location unknown) History (optional):working on it Other (optional):none yet





Game Time

03:25pm on Mar 11

Welcome Guest

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