Maple Moon Dog Sanctuary

Welcome to Maple Moon Dog Sanctuary! My name is Ivory. LITTERS: Labels- If a litter is labeled: Available- This means there is a dog for you to reserve! If you rather have a different dog then the one up, PM me and I can see what I can do. If a litter is labeled: Unavailable- This means that there is no pup for reservation. I'm sorry! If a litter is labeled: U/A- This means that the litter is undecided, PM me if you'd like to reserve a pup and how much you'll pay for it. If a litter is labeled: Sold!- This means a pup from that litter has been sold. My Dog Sanctuary could be summed up as a rescue kennel, as well as a good furever-home (hehe, see what I did there?). If you have any unwanted dogs, don't hesitate to transfer them to me. Shoot me a message- tell me if you want me to find a good home for them or just keep them here. I'm willing to do whatever. I will also board dogs if I have room. Again, don't hesitate to shoot me a message! ~"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all." I have Dogs for sale! Go Here To look into Dog Boarding services By Emmalyn, Top Dog Boarding Service! I WILL BE GONE FOR MONTHS AT A TIME

Game Time

06:22am on Mar 14

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