Forest & Stone

Coming back to the game w/ a new account after a looong time & looking forward to working with rarer breeds. It's helping to keep me entertained while I wait in real life to adopt a border collie!

Currently focusing on breeding quality Ainu Dogs, Greenland Dogs, and Finnish Lapphunds. I try to give fun names based of the origins of these pups!

Also, I'm open to chatting anytime! Especially about dogs, training, etc. I'm 22F, currently live in the UK but grew up in Massachusetts. I also love fitness, running, hiking, yoga, and a great cup of tea. :)

Thank you to the amazing artists of FP for their work below!

Scarf Kitty Raccoon Featherstone Kitty Ramen Floating

dog with bow

Game Time

08:34pm on Mar 28

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