Pleasant Valley Kennels

Welcome to Pleasant Valley Kennels! Pleasant Valley Kennels are happy and peaceful kennels with small and medium-sized dogs. My dogs aren't the biggest, smallest, smartest, laziest, most athletic, fastest, slowest, cleanest, dirtiest, fanciest or best, but they are the HAPPIEST!!!! This kennel isn't for big dog lovers, but it is for small and medium dog lovers, so drop by! My favorite kinds of dogs are the small, fluffy, dogs. Some of there last names are really silly. My kennel is really nice. My kennel was on Flabbergabben Flats, Clown City, Houndville, and Tedopedia. I REALLY need FPP. Check out my kennel, because sometimes I have dogs to sell. One of my dog's coat is rainbow because I fed it a Rainbow Grape.

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06:47pm on Mar 28

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