Von schwarze ritter kennels

Welcome to my kennel! I specialize in Great Danes although have just started getting into a couple other large breeds (coming soon!) if you are interested in a dog or puppy don’t hesitate to message me and we can work something out!! If you're going to bid on a puppy I require AT LEAST $1500 more then the original bid price I have it as. All requests under that will be ignored. All my puppies will be priced at a value I seem as fair. Your bid request will not be accepted right away as I take time to check out your kennel to make sure they're going to a good home. I will also be friending anyone who purchases a puppy off of me. If you are ever needing to sell or rehome one of my puppies for any reason please reach out to me first as I’ll be happy to take it back. I also offer boarding for a small fee, your dog will never be sold nor bred and can be locked if wished. I offer money “loans” as well, please message me for further details

Game Time

02:39pm on Mar 14

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