Kaitie's Kennel

Welcome to my kennel!


- Get All 24HH Dogs.
- Get All lala Dogs.
- Get All Dogs Over 1.100x.
- Breed in stats for specialties.
- Breed in sport aptitudes for specialties.
- Complete All Performer, Diversifier, and Progenitor Achievements.
- Complete Critter Steward Achievement.


Puppy Bids:
Bids for puppies must be above the pet price (found on general page) for me to accept any offers. I'll be more open to low offer if the puppy has not been weaned, for the achievement. Message me if you want a puppy other than what is reservable.

Breeding Requests:
If you make a breeding request to a locked dog I will unlock the dog the same day I accept the offer and will relocked it the next day. If you are waiting for a female to be able to breed, message me right after you make the breeding request and let me know how long to wait.
Females that have already been bred twice or more are up for public breeding request, $25,000 for EEEE and $15,000 for anything less. All other females are for private breeding by myself at day 80 and day 101, unless I decide otherwise. Males are set at the same prices as females.
I lock dogs on their 100th day, I will unlock them for breeding requests until their 109th day. If you are making a breeding request on a dog that is over 105 days, be aware that they may be retired before you complete your request. Dogs are not available for breeding before they achieve Level 10.

I set my prices for sale dogs based on the number of HHs, level, and XPM. I use the average price of the three criteria.
- Under 10 HH will be priced at $25,000, 10 to 15 HH will be priced at $50,000, 16 to 20 HH will be $100,000, over 20 HH will be $150,000.
- Under Level 20 will be priced at $25,000, Level 20 to 30 will be priced at $50,000, Level 30 to 50 will be $100,000, over Level 50 will be $150,000.
- Under 1.000x will be priced at $25,000, 1.000x to 1.100x will be priced at $50,000, 1.000x to 1.250x will be $100,000, over 1.250x will be $150,000.

I am open to alternate methods of payment (FPP, rare items, critters, etc.) for dogs and items in my shop. Everything has a price; if you see a dog or puppy in my kennel that you really want, message me and we can possibly work out a deal.


- Belgian Malinois
-- Stamina
-- Tracking & Flyball
- Carolina Dogs
-- Agility
-- Musical Freestyle & Frisbee
- Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs
-- Stamina
-- Tracking & Flyball
- Greenland Dogs
-- Stamina
-- Tracking & Flyball
- Jamthunds
-- Agility
-- Musical Freestyle & Frisbee
- Lapponian Herders
-- Stamina
-- Tracking & Flyball
- Saarloos Wolfdogs
-- Stamina
-- Tracking & Flyball
- Sloughis
-- Stamina
-- Tracking & Flyball
- West Siberian Laikas
-- Agility
-- Musical Freestyle & Frisbee

Game Time

06:40pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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