Mad World Kennel

Welcome to Mad World Kennel!
Current specialties are:
  • American Indian Dogs
  • Border Collies
  • Borzois
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
  • Great Danes
  • Neapolitan Mastiffs
  • Pharaoh Hounds
  • Silken Windhounds
  • Standard Poodles
  • Xoloitzcuitles
Also working on many other breeds. I'm totally willing to do private trades or sales, feel free to message and ask! I'm not opposed to any dog breeds as long as the health is similar to the one you're asking for.

Any adult dogs for sale are negotiable in price! If you see one you like and it's a little out of your price range, please don't hesitate to ask. My baseline is as follows:
1 G, 3 E: $20,000
2 G, 2 E: $15,000
3 G, 1 E: $10,000
GGGG: $5,000
EEEE: Proportioned off of a 24HH=$1,000,000 scale

I also do adoption specials for $500, these are dogs that I saved from the Humane Society or bought for under $500 in the market.

My puppy pricing is non-negotiable, and based entirely on genetic health. An EEEE 24HH puppy from Mad World Kennel is $100,000 and everything is priced proportionally off of the number of HH genes. I won't put puppies with F or P ratings for sale.

If you accepted my breeding request, I will give you second pick of the litter for free , but you have to message me.
I have my dogs sorted mostly by breed, with a holding kennel for breeds I'm working on but don't have space for. All of my breeding-age males should be available to stud, if one is not but you are interested please let me know! Male dogs with G ranks will be priced as follows:
1 G, 3 E: $20,000
2 G, 2 E: $15,000
3 G, 1 E: $10,000
GGGG: $5,000

Male dogs with EEEE rank will be priced proportionally off of a 24HH=$100,000 scale.

Breeding price for female dogs with G ranks will be the same as the males. Female dogs with EEEE rank will be priced proportionally off of a 24HH=$500,000 scale.

I accept most breeding requests, including multiple on the same dog
If I accepted your breeding request, but someone else bred the dog before you were able to, please shoot me a message. I will allow you to choose any other dog to breed for free! I understand that it's an inconvenience, and I love returning customers!!

I accept all friend requests! Always looking for new friends :)

Game Time

05:33pm on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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