Black Kennels

I've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Border Collies on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Cane Corsos on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Great Danes on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Tosa Inus on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality Alaskan Huskies on

Black Kennels Rescue & Breeding

(IMPORTANT NEWS) BK is locked until further notice :) Black Kennels is pride to say that we give all dogs here at BK the best possible care! At BKRB we specialized in breeding the best Great Dane, Cane Corso, Alaskan Husky, Tosa Inu. Black Kennels prioritizes quality over quantity which is why we only breed after level 30 (as of Nov 16, 2020) and only breed our females twice, no puppy with ANY fair genes will be adopted out no exceptions, all dogs being housed at BK are given state booting food and items, Black Kennels has dedicated our time money and love into breeding the best dogs possible which is why any dog who comes though our gates is always welcome back in!

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08:25pm on Mar 28

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