Smiling Angels Kennel


-About Me-
I am an adult from Northern USA. I have a fur daughter named Samara she is a 6 year old black and White Maltepoo (Half Maltese and Half ToyPoodle) dog. I also have 2 Flemish Giant Mini Rex Rabbits one is a black and white named Honey Bunny and the other is a broken black tort named Charlie both are females and 13 Sea Monkeys. My Favorite colors are Pink, Purple and Blue. My Favorite Animals are Gorillas. Turtles, Big Cats and Horses. I love all animals even the snakes and rats. I am afraid of Spiders and creepy crawly bugs.
I would appreciate if you read this before messaging me.
-Adding Me-
1. When adding me please leave a message saying Hi. I don't bite so you shouldn't be afraid to message me. I rather accept friend requests from those who say Hi once rather than adding someone whom I have never heard from just sitting in my friends list taking up space.

2. Please don't send spam. I love getting messages from people but please don't be obnoxious about it. I don't appreciate messages like "*Burp* Hi" That's just rude to me and so uncalled for or "hihihihihihihi" 1 Hi will be sufficient enough. I especially don't like getting chain mail "Send this to 5 people in the next 5 minutes and your wish will be granted". First off those things never work they just take up time and space so please don't second I believe we grant our own wishes.

3. Please don't add me just to message me asking for me to buy things from your inventory or buy one of your puppies. If I am looking to buy things from a user I will use the search engine
   3a. I will not buy things from your inventory if I am looking to buy something from someone I will use the Search Engine to find User Shops that specifically fit my needs.
   3b. I will not buy your puppies. If I am in need of some puppies I will use the Search Engine to locate puppies for sale or I will purchase a new First Generation.
   3c. Please don't message me asking for FPD or FPP. First off I have no FPP even if I did I probably wouldn't give them away I am sorry but I need to help my game first before I can help others and FPP is just crazy hard to come by if you can't buy it. If you are low on FPD here are a few tips I use that may be able to help you as well.
    1a. Games- I spend hours a day playing Bingo. I also play the daily limit of Ball, Frisbee, Bone and Toy Finder.
    2b. log On- I log on every single day and take care all of my dogs.
    3c. Training Area- I made a training area when I got to the level needed and host competitions every single day.
    4d. Newbie Item Packages- I was lucky to have found some super great people which I found in the Advertisement Section who help newbies which I took advantage of.
    5e. Game Help- I was EXTREMELY lucky to have found a supporter a person to help me with my game and to help me achieve the goals I set for my game.

It is not easy but if you want FPD you are going to have to work hard at it, begging is not going to help you.
4. Please don't be rude when messaging me. If there is a problem with me please let me know nicely. If you have a question for me please be kind when asking. Rudeness will get you no where in this life and this game is no exception.

-Please and Thank You's-
5. Please and Thank You's go a long way when asking for something or being given something. Please use Please and Thank You's when asking something of me or say Thank You when I give you something.

-Buying and Breeding-
6. Please do not randomly message me asking to buy or breed with my dogs. If I am ready to sell or breed them publicly I will put them up for public sale or public breeding.
   6a. When my dogs are up for public breeding for 0 FPD they are not for public sale they are reserved for a friend. Breeding with my dogs will always cost a breeding fee if you request a breeding with a dog that is up for Public Breeding for 0 FPD your request will be denied.

-Online and Offline-
My profile may say I am online but I may be unavailable. If you message me and I do not reply I am probably unavailable playing Bingo or surfing the net or playing one of my other online games. I don't sign out of this game so if my profile says I am offline the game timed out because I am either sleeping or doing House work. So if you message me and I don't reply right away please don't think I am ignoring you or being rude I am just simply unavailable and will message you as soon as I can.

I've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on I've Got Quality Old English Sheepdogs on I've Got Quality Catahoula Leopard Dogs on I've Got Quality Great Danes on I've Got Quality Tibetan Mastiffs on I've Got Quality Rottweilers on

These are of my own making if you would like one message me to find out how you can get your own
Thank you!

Game Time

09:21am on Mar 4

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