Pog Champions Kennel

I'm the play of game champer, the pog of champs, the champ of pogs... Pogchamp!

Currently breeding GSD's (Schutzhund), Catahoulas (Tracking) and Shibas (Hunting Trials). Soon I'll be breeding breeds like the Doberman Pinscher (Schutzhund/ Tracking), the Beauceron (Agility), the Siberian Husky (Sledding), Rottweilers (Schutzhund), and Border Collies (Herding).

I'm active daily to care for my dogs and look for new imports to buy on the sale section. If I bid on or buy dogs, I actually take care of them. As soon as I buy them, I give them items, a fancy working and call name as well as the POG'S acronym, then I get them to level 25 before I start pairing them up. Females are only bred twice here to get the best stats in puppies. They are only bred up to three times when they have a recessive rare colour and I think it's worth the sacrifice. For females breeding twice, they are bred the first time at LVL 25, and the last time I breed them is at age 85, a few days before they can no longer breed. I then retire the dog at 100 days of age. Females breeding three times are bred at LVL 25, then LVL 35, then they are bred at LVL 50 before they are retired 20 days after their last breeding. Any females being bred more than three times will be bred at LVL 20, 30, 40, and 50 and if they are to breed over four times the breeding LVL gets lowered by 5 for each breeding over 4 times. Triple breeding females become retired 20 days after their last breeding, but for every time bred over four, the time before for retirement is lowered by 5. You can message me and I'll bid up to 15,000 for your G1 GSD dog under these requirements:

1. No fairs

2. At least two excellents

3. No ll or lla

4. Females not bred over 1x

5. No prefixes

6. Is not trained, or trained in schutzhund (dogs under 16 days old or double-trained apply to this rule)

7. If the dog has either dd, bb, Dd, Bb, si, or cw in their genotype, rules 2 and 3 don't apply

7. If the dog has three excellents, fair genes can be overlooked

My prices for dogs are determined like this: 

- Every HH adds $500 to the base price

- Every hh takes $250 from the base price

- Every level adds $100 to the base price

- Dogs with lala in their genotype adds $500  to the base price 

- Every recessive rare colour adds $100 to the base price

- Every rare colour adds $1000 to the base price

- Every 5 levels the dog's parents had (sire lvl + dam lv÷ 2) adds $250 to the base price

- Every booster the dog's parents used (sire boosts + dam boosts ÷ 2) adds $500 to the base price

- Every booster the dog has adds $250 to the base price

So IS this expensive?

Nope, definitely not. Even if I were to put the highest end dog for sale; lets say an Isabella and White (Piebald) with Silver Points and 24HH lala LVL 125 with 5 rare colours and max boosted parents levelled 125 with the dog itself max boosted, the price would only be 60,500, which is a lot cheaper than high level dogs on the market.

The stud price for a dog is their sale price divided by 4.5 (rounded), so if that dog were a stud, their price would only be approximately 13,500 to stud (13,444.444 unrounded).

The POG'S Working GSD Bloodline

I'm currently focusing on my own line of GSDs. These GSDs will have ancestors/parents who were all bred by me or imported and have the POG'S acronym. My line focuses on rare coloured 24HH lala dogs with strength, stamina, and intelligence stat boosters. I don't use studs to simplify my lines, and I prefer to only use POG'S imports for fresher gene pools. While I will never sell my breeding dogs, sometimes I sell the puppies from a litter. I get through 3 (100 LVL parents) to 12 (25 LVL parents) generations a year with imports and dogs bred by me alone. I plan to slow down at generation 50, or at a generation where I have dogs that meet my quota.

Why I Only Breed POG'S Dogs

The game's for fun, why do all this work? Many players already have high gen, 24HH lala dogs up for sale or stud at prices that newer players can afford to make the work of creating a 24HH lala dog easy. I just want to make everything harder and more time consuming for myself because besides school, there is nothing else for me to do. I also want to see my lines grow over the years and become proud of it! Besides that, I want to sell my dogs for cheap to other players. If those players decide to breed the dog they bought from me, then that dog's offspring and so on... there will be more and more dogs with POG'S ancestors, which I think is very pog!

Game Time

08:17pm on Mar 28

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