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Cocker Spaniel's Kennel


-Hey, I'm Cocker Spaniel! I have 3 pets in real life a kitten named Socks and 2 dogs Mia and Sunny. I own a rescue on FP and take in any unwanted dogs to find them new homes. I accept all friend requests, I love making new friends! Also, join Friends Are Fun guild!



- I'm always open to messages! Just please be kind.


- Don't ask for dogs not for sale. I may buy back dogs, if you are re-homing one of mine feel free to reach out and see if I'm interested.


- I only put males up for breeding!!! If one you like is not up for stud, feel free to ask about them. I will most likely put them up for stud. I generally approve most requests, if I haven't approved yours in a day or two, do please politely remind me to accept it. If a stud is locked, please send me a polite message with his URL and name so I can unlock him for you.

Bid For Bid

- I want to help others with the Progenitor Achievement, so please feel free to reach out! I will bid $0 on any litters you need with this account, and my other account. I can either keep the puppy or if you put your name and ID as their name I can transfer them back once weaned. If I have a litter up for Bid for Bid, I do not need the puppy back unless otherwise stated. Feel free to contact me each time you hit a new tier for your achievement!


Username: Cocker spaniel ~ Rares in shop (#1591048)
Gender: Female


Played Since: December 21st 2020
Breed Specialties: American and English cocker spaniels, pit bulls, poms, border collies, Aussie, dachshund, mini dachshund, gsd

Goals For Furry Paws

Friend as many people as I can
Get Best of Breed
Own all of the critters
Rescue as many dogs as I can

My Tags

- Every time you reload the page, it should change.


My Favorite Critters

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Layout Design and Coding by Crestie.
This is a freebie layout! Get the code for it here! for your kennel!

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09:42am on Mar 3

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