Wishbone Kennels

hey guys I finally came back!!! ------- I love Finnick Odair (Sugar cube?) ------- I love Newt (The Glue) --------- I Love the Weasley Twins (Wicked)------- ------I love Lo'ak and Kiri (the punch and the ugh face) ------ I'm 14 years old ------ I'm a girl ------- I have two mutts (Mia and 'curious' Georgia) ------- I have a cat (Willie 'Nelson') ------ I have two piggies (Neville and Luna) ((yes from Harry Potter)) ------ My name is Blair -------- I love to read -------- My favorite movies are either Avatar Way of Water or Catching Fire ------- I have too many favorite books ------- My lucky numbers are 13 and 7 ------- My favorite color is teal ------- My favorite breed of dog is a Doberman Pincher or boxer-----

Game Time

09:00pm on Mar 8

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