Dashing Diamonds Of Genuine Greatness

Welcome to My Kennel!

Est. Apr. 2021



Username: Tigre Bella
Nicknames: Tigre, Bella
Age: 38
Birthday: July 31st
Gender: Female


Played Since: April 2021 (though I also played many years ago during Beta)
Breed Specialties: Border Collies, Poodles, & more!


vSb0Vlu.gif - from Night Howl (#85243), back when I played during Beta
tFhghdh.gif - from Night Howl (#85243), back when I played during Beta
E6GGX74.gif - gifted from Frostii / Hollah! (#1613663)
Drawing-Copy.jpg - gifted from Ira/Kheelan (#1165220)
NtqchGU.png - gifted from ~Atlas~ (#1435351)
DdGnNlB.png - gifted from Dancing Queen (#1610162), made by Meg (#849014)
LMTroC0.png - made by Meg (#849014)
MbvBcQz.png - made by Fresca (#730383)
2xcDHG7.png - made by SIN (#28817)
CXmR5gH.png - made by SIN (#28817)
51vAZfl.png - made by SIN (#28817)
4IoSlTh.gif - gifted from Dancing Queen (#1610162)
meJIodp.png - gifted from Dancing Queen (#1610162), made by Enneka (#1608642)
PHokhpj.png - gifted from Dancing Queen (#1610162)
tWbMx8Y.png - from Dancing Queen (#1610162)
aVX40EH.gif - from Dancing Queen (#1610162)
t6q9R32.gif - from Dancing Queen (#1610162)
91546436_uncA2eTET79cwBw.png - from Destrie (#1107905)
GFhsWlY.png - from Destrie (#1107905)
Reindeer-Tiger-For-Tigre.png - gifted from Cocker spaniel (#1591048)
GV9Zrgs/teamice.jpg - tag I made
NWvqYVV/teamice2.jpg - tag I made
GdwQVjM/teamice3.jpg - tag I made
NtqchGU.png - tag I made
GcoupHI.png - tag I made
0V6Bo5n.png - tag I made
3KBbQol.png - tag I made
YGUSkik.gif - kennel tag I made
E6GGX74.gif - kennel tag gifted from Frostii / Hollah! (#1613663)

Your Kennel - My Dogs - Atlas - Market - Chat - Search - Owner
Message Me

Bold. Fierce. Determined.
YGUSkik.gif E6GGX74.gif
"If you want a piece of genuine greatness, get yourself a DDOGG dog!"
Click here for something fun! :D


Guess who's back... back again! After over 10 years! Wow, how things have changed! 0_0

Welcome to my kennel! I specialize in unique colors of particular breeds, but am obsessed with brindle colors, as they remind me of tigers! (I am totally obsessed with tigers!) And brindle Border Collies are the absolute best! :D

This is my kennel mascot, Bella: CLICK HERE!


I'm a single mom with 2 kids who also play FP (Dancing Queen and Phoenix Fox). I have a gray and white tuxedo cat (Gracie). Our sweet dwarf hamster (Fiona), fancy hamster (Faith), and one of our guinea pigs (Lion) have passed away. We still have our other guinea pig (Dandy).

I became a millionaire in just about 2 weeks after joining. Despite joining in the middle of the chaotic Easter egg event, I ended up reaching 3,043 total eggs collected by the end of April and got my free EEGEW! I hit Level 16 at exactly 2 weeks of playing. And in only 3 weeks, I hit Level 19. On 5/4/21, I reached Level 20! I was able to get a 1 Month Elite on June 1st, just in time for the Phoenix Event, and got my Year Elite on July 1st (with the help of putting $10 into FP)! Woohoo! Ever since then, I've been quickly gaining moolah (mostly from breeding and selling high quality dogs), and even got myself a second property! We movin' on up over here! :D

My goal is to have some of the best dogs in the game! My main breed is Border Collies, but I am also striving to raise amazing dogs from every breed! I specialize mostly in brindles, whenever possible! I take great pride in providing high quality dogs!

My highest score ever on Gene Genie is 1,028 in a row correct! I received the Genetics Genie Master reputation on March 20th, 2022! WOWZA! O_O

I accomplished raising a level 101 dog during the 2022 summer Phoenix Event, a level 109 dog during the 2023 summer Phoenix Event, and a level 111 dog during the 2024 summer Phoenix Event! I can't wait to see how much higher my dogs can go in level next time! :D


All dogs for sale will be directly located in my "HIGH QUALITY DOG SALES" kennel, which is the first kennel you see on my kennel page. Please do not ask me about selling any other specific dogs than those marked for sale in my sales kennel. If you can't find what you are looking for, you are welcome to ask me (such as "Hey, are you breeding any more Doberman pups to sell anytime soon?"). Though keep in mind, I only do 2-3 breedings in each female dog's lifetime (usually just 2), so it might be a while. Also, please don't message me to argue about my pricing or beg me to lower my prices. (My prices are usually pretty fair, considering the quality of my dogs, and I have made many sales at these prices. If the prices are too high for you, I would recommend you check elsewhere to see if you can find what you are looking for at a cheaper price, or maybe start with store-bought dogs and work your own way up to the quality I have. Remember, you are not obligated to buy from me if you think my prices are too high, just as I am not obligated to sell to you for less than my asking price.)


I have 2 options for puppies from my kennel: bid for bid and high quality puppy sales.

Bid for bid: Message me about bid for bid. I am up for doing straight bid for bid, bid for bid with returns, or if you would like to straight out purchase one of my bid for bid puppies you can bid an amount $20k or up to get one. All bid for bid litters will be marked " - AVAILABLE/B4B". Please do not ask me about doing bid for bid with any other litters than those marked for it.

High quality puppy sales: These will be listed at price for purchasing. First come, first serve (unless on the rare occasion someone happens to bid higher than someone else before I come back online). If any puppies are not claimed by 5pm FP time on day 5, I will choose which puppy (or puppies) to keep and then put them up for sale at the same price once weaned and trained in a sport. All high quality puppy sales litters will be marked " - AVAILABLE/SELLING!". You are welcome to ask me about any other litters not yet marked with "SELLING" or "KEEPING", but please keep in mind that I may be waiting to determine what I will do with those litters not yet marked and that I am under no obligation to sell them to you if I so choose. If you ask, ask kindly please. :)


At this time, I have some studs up, but may forget to add some from time to time. If you see a male in my kennel that you'd like to use for stud, I don't mind you messaging to ask me, but please be kind about it and understand that I am under no obligation to put any certain males up for stud and that if I do so, it would be at my own pre-determined price (which I usually determine based on the breeding prices for that breed, the quality of my male in comparison, as well as other details).

If you send a breeding request to me for any of my available studs, please know that if the stud is not unlocked that I will unlock him as soon as I accept the request. (It just makes it easier for me that way.) I usually accept almost every request. If you happen to send a breeding request sooner than you plan to breed the locked stud, PLEASE message me at the time you send the request to let me know. (Such as "Hey, I just sent a breeding request for your male stud, ______. I plan to do the breeding in 2 days, though, if you can wait to unlock him then. I can message you that day to remind you.") Otherwise, please just wait to send the breeding request the day you intend to do the breeding, or the day before. Any locked studs I unlock for breeding will be locked back again by 11pm FP time the following day (possibly a bit sooner if I can't get online that late, but no sooner than 5 pm FP time). If the breeding was not done within that timespan, and you either bred to another stud or just simply did not communicate things properly with me, you will be put on my blacklist and not allowed to do future breedings with any of my locked dogs. (Please understand that unlocking my studs for longer than needed would waste extra days that they could be bred by others or even myself.) So please be kind about doing breedings in a timely manner. Thank you for understanding.

IC Champions (14/50 for Performer Achievement)

- Dodging All The Traps (Level 111)
- Determined To Hug The Clouds (Level 110)
- Racing Out To Sea (Level 109)
- You Got Me Chasing You In My Dreams (Level 108)
- Wrapped In A Cloud's Embrace (Level 108)
- Relaxing In Deep Bliss (Level 108)
- Fill My Heart With Song And Let Me Sing Forevermore (Level 108)
- When Fire And Rain Collide (Level 104)
- Feeling Crazy About You (Level 97)
- Searching For Calmer Seas (Level 97)
- You Light The Fire In My Heart (Level 94)
- My Soul Will Wait For You (Level 87)
- Jamming To The Beat (Level 81)
- Shaking In My Boots (Level 76)


At the moment, I'm on the search for these rare critters that I need to complete my collection:
Black Baby Dragon
White Baby Dragon
Sea Sapphire Dragon
Diamond Dragon
White Persian
Grey Persian
Colorpoint Persian
Moustached Persian
Little Brown Pony
Quick Pony
Feisty Black Pony
Shy Silver Pony
Sweet Paint Pony
Confident Black Wolf
Gentle White Wolf
Bold Wolf Pup
Clever Red Wolf
If you have either of them and are willing to do a trade for other rare items, you are welcome to message me! ^_^

Game Time

08:12pm on Mar 28

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