DOTC Kennel & Rescue

DOTC Kennel & Rescue

About DOTC Kennel & Rescue ~ As the name suggests I am a big fan of Erin Hunter's book series, "Warrior Cats". All of the dogs in my Kennel & Rescue will be named after those characters using a random name generator!
My favorite breed is definitely the French Bulldog (and really any squishy faced dogs!) so that is where I decided to start! I hope to one day get all Excellent genes in my French Bulldogs!
As the name says, this is a Kennel AND Rescue so that means at times I will have dogs for private sale! I put it on private sale so that not just anyone can adopt them! Before accepting a bid, I will do a Kennel check for 3 days and message back to you when I have decided if you are suitable for adoption or not! Some things to keep in mind when adopting from me :

  • All dogs/litters must be fully cared for (fed, watered, played, groomed). Even the locked ones! Training/Competing is your choice!
  • All female dogs must not have been bred more than twice at the time you place your bid! I want to make sure my dogs will not be overbred, even if this is just a game!

DOTC Specialties

I've Got Quality French Bulldogs on I've Got Quality American White Shepherds on

Game Time

01:11pm on Feb 21

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