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White Siberian husky breeders

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Austrian Pinscher
The original suggestion post for the Austrian Pinscher has been deleted from inactivity according to comprehensive breed list sticky. Click here to see a video of the Austrian Pinscher being shown. + If you're really curious here's a YouTube channel with Austrian pinschers. click
  • Name of the breed: Austrian Pinscher
  • Also known as: Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher, Österreichischer Pinscher, & Österreichischer Kurzhaarpinscher [Austrian shorthair Pinscher in German]
  • General Appearance: In a nutshell, like many breeds bred specifically for work rather than for show, the appearance can vary within the breed, although there is a set standard. In general, the Austrian Pinscher is a normally proportioned strong and sturdy dog. The breed has button ears and a head described as being pear-like in shape with a long tail that is curled and may be slightly feathered. The breed's expression is described as being lively and bright.
  • Colors: Russet gold, brownish yellow, stag-red, black with tan-coloured markings. White markings: chest patch, muzzle, neck, throat, nape, feet and tip of tail. Possible color combinations in FP: •Red •Fawn •Fawn and White (Irish) •Red and White (Irish) •Fawn with Black Sable •Red with Black Sable •Red with Black Sable and Mask •Fawn with Black Sable and Mask •Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable •Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable •Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Mask •Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Mask •Fawn with Chocolate Sable •Red with Chocolate Sable •Red with Chocolate Sable and Mask •Fawn with Chocolate Sable and Mask •Red and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable •Fawn and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable •Red and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask •Fawn and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask •Black with Red Points •Black with Tan Points •Chocolate with Red Points •Chocolate with Tan Points •Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points •Chocolate and White (Irish) with Tan Points •Black and White (Irish) with Red Points •Black and White (Irish) with Tan Points •Black with Tan Points and Mask •Black with Red Points and Mask •Black and White (Irish) with Tan Points and Mask •Black and White (Irish) with Red Points and Mask •Chocolate with Tan Points and Mask •Chocolate with Red Points and Mask •Chocolate and White (Irish) with Tan Points and Mask •Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points and Mask *Chocolate may be off-standard. I say this because the standard calls for black pigmented dogs. I phenotyped more dogs and came up with this rough idea for color rarity :). Store-bought (very common) Fawn and White (Irish) Red and white (Irish) Store-bought (common) Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Mask Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Mask Black and White (Irish) with Red Points Black and White (Irish) with Tan Points Store-bought (uncommon) Red Fawn Fawn with Black Sable Red with Black Sable Red with Black Sable and Mask Fawn with Black Sable and Mask Black with Red Points Black with Tan Points Black with Tan Points and Mask Black with Red Points and Mask Black and White (Irish) with Tan Points and Mask Black and White (Irish) with Red Points and Mask Breed-only (rare) Chocolate with Red points Chocolate with Tan points Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points Chocolate and White (Irish) with Tan Points Fawn with Chocolate Sable Red with Chocolate Sable Red with Chocolate Sable and Mask Fawn with Chocolate Sable and Mask Red and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable Fawn and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable Red and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask Fawn and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask Chocolate with Tan Points and Mask Chocolate with Red Points and Mask Chocolate and White (Irish) with Tan Points and Mask Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points and Mask This breed cannot come in: pp/py/yy (Blue eyes or ignores merle) KK/KKbr/Kk (brindle) dd (dilution) SlSl/Slsl (Solid white) asa (saddle) aa (recessive solid black) aw (grizzle) sp (piebald white) sw (extreme piebald white) MM/Mm (merle) RR/Rr (roan) T/ts (ticking) ce (cream) cw (silver) GG/Gg (greying) UU/Uu (light undersides)
  • Temperament: The Austrian Pinscher's temperament is described as being assertive, lively, alert, playful and especially devoted and friendly dealing with people familiar to him. Towards strangers he is suspicious and an incorruptible guard. His hunting instinct is only slightly developed. History The Austrian Pinscher, like its name suggests, is a breed whose origins trace back to Austria, where dogs of the type were originally farm dogs, keeping barns free of rats and acting as home guards, livestock guardians, and drovers. The breed gained recognition in 1928 and was developed from a foundation of old-type Pinschers, German Pinschers, and a mixture of the local dogs in the Austrian countryside. In the 19th century, the Austrian Pinscher faced extinction as technology slowly progressed and the work they did was no longer needed as a result. In the early 20th century, Emil Hauck, looking for an aboriginal dog type identified as Canis palustris (which was in fact later reclassified as canis lupus familiaris, not a separate species) came across what he believed were examples of similar dogs in the rural regions of Austria. In 1921, Emil Hauck began serious breeding to revive the Austrian Pinscher and to separate it from other landrace Pinschers in the area. The Austrian Kennel Club (Österreicher Kynologenverband) became the first kennel club to officially recognize the Austrian Pinscher. Originally, the breed was given the name "Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher" to identify its place of origin as Austria and to differentiate it from the Schnauzer which at that time was called the Rough-haired Pinscher. Later, the name was shortened to simply "Austrian Pinscher." Unfortunately, after World War II, the already scarce Austrian Pinscher nearly faced extinction again. In the 1970s only one registered specimen of the breed remained, who was named Diokles of Angern. Breeding this dog with other dogs identified as of the old pinscher type in the area ("Landpinschern") has brought the breed back to relatively stable numbers, although there are still only a small number of them. Source(s): click
  • IB images: None at the moment! Feel free to PM me if you're interested though.
  • Main stats: Agility, Intelligence, Stamina & Strength
  • FP breed group: Flock guardian. They are both cattle dogs and pinschers, however flock guardian perhaps suits them better. This would make them one of the smallest flock guardians, next to the Norwegian Buhund.
  • Recognized kennel clubs: FCI,ÖKV (translated) & UKC
Sports: •Agility •Dock diving •Flyball •Frisbee •Herding •Musical freestyle •ObediencePulling •Rally-O •Scent hurdles •Schutzhund •Show •Tracking Sports in bold include 3 of the breed's strongest stats. Unavailable sports: •Earthdog trials •Field trials •Hunting trials •Racing •Sledding •Water work Breed Standard: HEAD: Pear-shaped; in harmonious proportion to the body. CRANIAL REGION:Broad and rounded with pronounced frontal furrow and groove. Skull: Distinctly developed zygomatic arches, strong masticatory muscles. Stop:Well marked. FACIAL REGION: Nose: Black. Muzzle: Strong, nasal bridge straight. Lips:Tight, smooth, well fitting, with dark pigmentation. Jaws/Teeth: Strong, complete scissor bite. Eyes:Large eyeball in round palpebral aperture, eyerims close- fitting with dark pigmentation. Ears:Button ear (folded ear), small, set on high. Neck:Strong, of medium length. BODY Withers: Well defined. Back:Short, broad, straight, tight. Loin: Short and broad. Croup:Long and broad. Chest:Long, deep, broad, barrel-shaped; well developed forechest. The muscles of the chest are strong and tight. Belly: Slightly tucked up. TAIL:High set, strong, of medium length and densely covered with hair. Limbs: Strong bone. FOREQUARTERS: General appearance: Well muscled, straight legs, broad front. Shoulders: Shoulder blade long, well laid-back. Upper arm: Obliquely set. Forearm:Of medium length, straight. Carpal joint: Strong. Pastern: Short, moderately sloping. HINDQUARTERS: General appearance:Well angulated. Upper thigh : Broad. Lower thigh: Of medium length. Hock joint: Strong. Metatarsus: Short. FEET : Close-knit with strong nails. GAIT / MOVEMENT: Flowing and harmonious movement covering a lot of ground. SKIN: Tight fitting. COAT: HAIR: Thick double coat. The outer coat is short to medium-long, thick, smooth and close-lying. The undercoat is thick and short, buttocks slightly trousered. SIZE: Height at the withers : 42 – 50 cm. (Males: 44 – 50 cm) (Bitches: 42 – 48 cm). Disqualifying faults: *FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. DISQUALIFYING FAULTS : • Aggressive or overly shy. • Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. •Albinism • Undershot, overshot. *Lack of white markings is not considered a fault. Images: (Not mine!) wQb0JRq/DA8221-B7-5909-4795-9-BDA-3-CFFA97-E0068 Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable D1437476-8479-42-D7-893-D-9792-C97-F582- Chocolate and White (Irish) with Tan Points 1-A62542-A-7-E4-C-4326-BBEA-76178-BB41-D23.jpg Black and White (Irish) with Tan Points DB2-DC244-8-F19-4535-96-B4-95049-DA8-EB9-A Fawn with Black Sable and Mask 1-D8-D6-BA6-F3-C8-41-B1-B8-F8-D441794-CD Fawn and White (Irish) Additional notes: Special thanks to Dog Genetics for helping me out, particularly with sable ;) You can view more examples from this kennel. Regarding chocolate Austrian pinschers: click. More photos: click (362-365) Images are not mine and are used solely for educational purposes. :) Supporters List: 1. #1433053 2. #1180759 3. #324735 4. #537488 5. #1508936 6. #1368077 7. #144077 8. #557632 9. #1286366 10. #1575121 11. #1564643 12. #1509651 13. #1555372 14. #1547835 15. #1549178 16. #1578224 17. #895227 18. #1581701 19. #1582334 20. #1220287 21. #1547774 22. #1497155 23.#1530448 24. #1441165 25. #1580580 26. #1585867 27. #1562393 28. #1574158 29. #1584918 30. #1362570 31. #1560124 32. #1521386 33. #1590183 34. #1591967 35. #1560750 36. #1584593 37. #1595028 38. #1585531 39. #1553259 40. #1601187 41. #1583335 42. #1580346 43. #54048 44. #1612579 45. #1559607 46. #1599984 47. #1621184 48. #1599650 49. #66771 50. #1610184 Dear Scratch Team, please disregard my previous report on the deletion of my studio. On August 2nd, my studio Sister to Sister was deleted because, “ We removed your studio [? Sister to Sister ?] because it was inappropriate for Scratch. We have found these types of studios often lead to unhealthy comments and can have a negative impact on the wellbeing of others trying to help.” Unfortunately, the message does not specify, and I’m unsure if this was the result of cumulative violations, or a single incident. But the purpose of my studio was supposed to be a well intentioned, safe space for girls to hang out and talk. I have had the studio for nearly a year and it had about 400 members. I would appreciate it if you could restore my studio because I believe it was a beneficial community on empowering girls. I will do everything in my power to ensure that the studio remains a welcoming place if you give me a chance to prove myself. The deletion of my studio was sudden with no known warnings beforehand, and I was unaware of the issues until after the fact. Please reconsider this decision, I and many other scratchers benefitted positively from the Sister to Sister studio! Here is the link to my studio. https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32318380/comments/ Thank you for your patience. Sorry if this sounds like an “I’M noT lIke The OthEr GirLs” post but is it just me or are internet forums genuinely good? I love how much slower paced they are. You can actually have a conversation and people will see your post and reply to it. I like how neatly organized forum websites are. You know exactly where to go right off the bat. There is just more thoughtful communication, less spam and a sense of community where you are given the opportunity to know and befriend every member. Although to be fair, I was raised with forums. I was never allowed any social media so I got used to the classic forum look like on FP. I tried other sites like Instagram, TikTok and even Discord but they never had the warmth I was quite looking for, ya know? Those types of social media platforms never interested me much. I think it would be a wonderful thing to see a mass revival of Internet forums https://ibb.co/sj3PRS1 https://ibb.co/cTXHLrs https://ibb.co/FY2HJ77


https://www.syriac.io/tts https://ibb.co/bd38b2M

perchance:eastern Mediterranean woman amicable expression, seems kind and trustworthy. dark hair

Zach is USM, Erick is Patriums, Thomas i think templar (has since left)

Vishizzia wrote: Awww, thanks Patriums! No problem mate! As Minister of Regional Defense (MRD) you are the one who carry out ban orders from Regional Officers to me or Zach, you can ban but inform us after of who you did and why -Abrahamia- Xoshen Any bans and Ejections will need to be informed to the MRD, so then he can inform to me

Basically Vishizzia is MRD and bans people but regional officer (me) can ban but must inform Vishizzia (MRD)

No problem mate! As Minister of Regional Defense (MRD) you are the one who carry out ban orders from Regional Officers to me or Zach, you can ban but inform us after of who you did and why -abrah amia- Xosh en Any bans and Ejections will need to be informed to the MRD, so then he can inform to me So basically - Anyone being banned by the other 2 have to be reported to me and I report that to you? - I can ban as well but have to explain? Got it! Patriums and -Abrahamia-U

Hi everyone, I’m a new member on here and would love to learn Spanish. However, I struggle with low confidence in my speaking abilities, and I lack discipline. I mainly want to learn Spanish because that’s the language my family speaks (and Portuguese), but none of my siblings speak it and I really don’t want the language to die out in my family. I truly want to persevere a piece of my heritage. 1. Is it too late for me to become fluent? I’m 18 years old but I’ve been learning on and off since 15. I’m considered intermediate-low on a proficiency rubric which I think is B1. 2. How can I increase my confidence in speaking to other people? Specifically my family. They aren’t the easiest to impress. 3. How do I self-teach myself? I’ve been listening to YouTube videos, music, news and changed my language settings but struggling to come up with a clear and effective schedule. 4. Will I ever reach a convincing accent? Specifically Castilian. I have a Spanish teacher who started learning in college and his American accent is very obvious but I’ve read that after the age of 12 you’re pretty much stuck with your native accent. One method of learning I absolutely can’t stand, is consciously learning imperfect, preterite, and other forms of grammar. It makes me feel like I’m stuck in a classroom. I definitely prefer comprehensible input. I’m a high school student and I can probably dedicate 30-45 minutes to learning the language while in school, but I always find myself burnt out with school work, or a week will go by and I’ve realized I haven’t practiced at all, so I’m critical of myself. And my family does tease me every time I try speaking in Spanish, criticizing my accent or accusing me of not trying hard enough :cry: , hence why I don’t want to sound like my Spanish teacher. I understand it’s mostly in jest but it’s not the best motivator and has made me feel uncomfortable speaking in front of them, so I practice by myself, like when walking my dog for instance. Learning Portuguese would be nice too, and I can already read some of it, but unfortunately it’s uncommon in most parts of the United States so it would be impractical (most of my Portuguese family lives overseas “ eastern Mediterranean woman amicable expression, seems kind and trustworthy. dark hair, mid 30s, young, First Lady” “No wrinkles” “Landscape”, “professional photo”

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08:26pm on Mar 28

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