L'Atletica Veronese

Welcome to Verona's Athletics!



  • Everyone is who has been playing for a month or more is welcome to request breeding.
  • If you wish to breed locked dogs, please ask and I'll be happy to unlock them.


The VA R+R is a small boarding facility focused on bringing in and caring for dogs in poor condition. However, we will also take normal borders for those interested.

Board is $175 FP per dog per day. This includes:

Bowls(if not already equipped)
Toy and chew replacement
Plain leash and collar in a color of your choice(if not equipped)
Daily care, including grooming, feeding, watering, play, cleaning, training, and competing
Use of the L'Athletica Veronese 3-Star Agility and Flyball Training Areas(if trained in agility or flyball)
Free breeding to available l'AV dogs

Add-ons(paid once per visit):
Better leash and collar: $50 x collar/leash level (ex. Lvl 10+ red collar and leash = $500)
Selection of training area bias(if not already selected by another boarder):$100FP

Surrendering Dogs
If you have a dog you no longer want, send them to R+R to give them a new life! I will take up to 10 rescue dogs at a time, and I will pay depending on the condition and age of your dog. After a period of rehab or training, this dog will go to a new loving home, which may even be here! The total amount will be your dog's age and condition added.

Puppy(less than 6 days) - $100
YA(6-11 days) - $150
Adult(12-50 days) - $175
Mature(51-70 days) - $50
Geriatric(71+ days) - $0(regardless of condition)

Condition The better condition your dog is in, the more I will pay(unless geriatric)
0-40% - $0
41-64% - $25
65-80% - $60
81-100% - $90

Terms of Surrender
Surrenderers MUST read and agree to the TOS before going through with surrender.
Once a dog is in the L'Athletica Rescue and Rehabilitation program, the previous owner relinquishes any right to the dog and can no longer control the dog's care or fate. Requests may be made and negotiated before officially surrendered to R+R, but any request made after the sale may not be respected depending on the situation. This means that, unless agreed otherwise, L'Athletica Veronese can do what is seen fit for this dog, including reselling, breeding, studding, and retiring.
If the owner wishes to get their dog back within 7 days of surrender, they may buy the dog back from R+R for the amount paid. After 7 days, if the dog is not for sale, the owner must pay the initial paid amount plus the cost of any investment, including training, food, or items. If the dog is for sale, the owner must pay the listed price.
The letters "RES" will be put in front of the name of all rescues. This is not a prefix(just a marker) and can be removed once out of R+R hands.

Game Time

11:19am on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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