M&M Rescue Kennels


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About us here at Magic & Mushrooms...

Hello and welcome to my kennel! I created this kennel around my passion: rescuing animals and training them in various sports to show that shelter dogs are not useless or broken. Pitties and Shepherds are my main two breeds that I have currently picked since I have rescues of my own that are Pits and Shepherds. The picture of the dog in the top left of my banner is actually one of my Pitties, Junie! I have another Pittie (Hildr), a small mixed breed that I *thought* was a German Shepherd mix until she turned out to be Chihuahua sized (Samara), and the bestest GSD in the world (Gnome). They are my absolute world and I adopted them all from my local shelter along with 3 cats (Peach, Daisy, and Toad)! My whole world pretty much revolves around animals. My husband is also a wildlife rescuer so we always have some kind of creature or critter.

A little about me:

-married (having my wedding ceremony in February 2024 -YAY-)
-avid collector of stuffed animals


-reeses peanut butter eggs

My Avatars:

53069678924_94de3f0651_z.jpg 53069986553_fc9338ee92_z.jpg


Photos of my pets:
-Girl Gang-

Game Time

08:22pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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