Undergrowth ranch

Hi, there! I raise a few different types of dog breeds but try to major in a few. For example, i have these breeds currently: -Border collies -Central Asian Shepherd -American pit bull terriers -Bulldogs -Dalmations -Australian Koolies -Giant Schnauzer -Chihuahua -German Shepherd Dog -Ibizan Hound -Otterhound -Rottweiler -Siberian Husky -Komondor -Porcelaine -Xoloitzcuintle -Akita -Alaskan Husky -Beagle -Azawakh Hound -Bedlington Terrier -Pekingese -Schipperke -Beauceron -Toy Poodle -Whippet -Spinone Italiano -Standard Poodle If you are looking for any specific color of any of these breeds and I have it let me know and we can work out the details.

Game Time

02:57pm on Feb 19

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