Arclight K9

~Welcome to ~Arclight K9~

Est. 2021


About me

Username: Arclight3983
Nicknames: Elli
Dogs: Barry and Maybel- Kelpie x Collie
Birthday: September 9th
Gender: F
Pronouns: she/her/they/them

Kennel TOS

1: Please try to care for all dogs bought from me daily. If not possible please lock.
2: Please do not resell dogs without my permission.
3: If you no longer want a dog bought from me, I am happy to buy it back.


Played Since: ???
Breed Specialties: Border Collies, Great Pyreneese, Kelpies

Useful Websites

Image Hosting: LINK
Kennel Layouts: LINK
Name Generator: LINK
CSS Colours: LINK

Your Kennel - My Dogs - Atlas - Market - Chat - Search - Message Me



Hi I'm Elli, and welcome to Arclight K9. I own 2 kelpie collie crosses, Maybel (black) and Barry (Something inbetween fawn and isabella). Maybel is my dog and she is the runt of the litter. I have raised her since 4 weeks and she is my special girl. She has so many nicknames, Moo, Mub, Bub, Bubba, Mubba, Moosie, Moobaloo, Moobawoobaloo, Butt-Face, Moosa and Mayb. I love her so much. Barry is the family dog and he is the defenition of stupid, for god sakes he eats dandilions, and when he isn't eating dandilions he is ALWAYS hungry, food is his life, his only true love, (except for his frens, awwe). He is the sweetest and gentlest boy though and everyone we have met loves him. We plan on getting him trained up and registered as a therapy dogs and visiting care homes and schools and all the likes. He is also known as Prudence, Boof, Baf, Baz, Bazzy, Dandy-Boy, Oof-Boof and Barry White. I like SCPs and horses and I play too much Halo and Red Dead Redemption 2. I am playing ALOT of Minecraft at the moment, and I'm working on my long term world of 3 years. My Xbox user is Arclight#3983 so feel free to drop by and see some captures. I will respond to messages but I probably wont accept friend requests out of the blue. I am starting to breed Great Pyreneese as they are simply adorable. I am working on improving, slowly but surely. If you are interested in any of my collies, feel free to send a message! Have a great day! Maybelruns 1 'AAAAAAAAA' 2 'I haf done nuffink, no diggies.' 3 'Dis mine now. Me chew me keep.' 4 'Wossis on my snoot??' 5 'Take me to church' 6 'More gorgeous or more sleepy? Need answers ASAP.' 7 'NOM'

Game Time

08:28pm on Mar 28

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