Morgan’s Kennel

Welcome to M&M Rescue

This rescue is in memory of my English springer spaniel Molly who passed away at the age of ten on 8/11/21. I am working with English springer spaniels only right now. I will also rescue any dogs that need a home or a very badly neglected. I will only sell English springer spaniel puppy's that are 3 or all excellent. Because it’s my specialty and I am only trying to improve. Lmk if you need help with anything. I also want to start work with another breed but I do not know which breed yet.
I've Got Quality English Springer Spaniels on
•Note- Any dogs I buy will be used for one of a few things

•1. Breeding, I will be breeding to improve the breed or for a little extra money and not selling the puppies if they didn’t improve. At least I’m honest right.

•2. Career/Competition, I will enter them in competitions everyday to increase their levels and get a little cash in the process.

•3. Achievements, I will use them if I need to complete an achievement such as getting a certain level with different breeds.

•4. Will be bought and used for something above and retired once it is 100 or sold to someone who will let it live out the rest of its life or find a forever home, all depends on how much extra space I have.

•If you want to know what I plan on doing with the one I bid for or bought from you message me and I will let you know.

A new thing I will be doing for English springers is waiting for them to be register before breeding. I will also only breed 2-3 times as over breeding is not good. Maxed out breeding dogs will go up for sale or kept depending on if I need them and their age.

I will also be buying new males for breeding once a month and selling old ones so inbreed pups do not happen. If you have an all excellent Male that you think I may like to purchase message me with his link, name your price and I will let you know! (Under 50 days old as they need to last me a month or to.)

Game Time

08:21pm on Mar 28

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