Mackadelic Kennel

welcome 2 mackadelic kennels! if we breed our dogs, feel free to send me a message if you're interested in any of the puppies. my list goes i pick first as breeder, then second is the other dog's owner, and then i list them to whomever. my prices on puppies are negotiable, as long as the price is reflexive of the sell-to-pet home price. my sale prices are also negotiable, but not as much. when sending or accepting a breed req, please make sure your dogs are unlocked! i will not chase you around for it, i'll just cancel. usually, i wait 1-2 days before canceling. feel free to resend once its all set! additionally, this goes for rollover as well - if i reject after awhile its just because its been sitting for awhile and you can just resend once there's no wait time :) this is just my personal preference. if i have a dog for sale that you'd like to breed, pm me! i will unlist him for sales and open for breeding. this will only be there for 24 hours, so make sure you're on it! while not required, if you're not keeping a puppy after i accept a breeding request, please pm me if you list them! i like to take a look and wouldn't mind adopting one for whatever price. again, not required its just something nice! :)

Game Time

08:07pm on Mar 28

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