Prestine Bull Kennel

-Hello there! My kennel is an upcoming bull type project, soon to be specializing in all bull bred dogs, including apbts, ambullies, american staffordshires terriers, bull terriers, boerboels, cane corsi, and more! We now offer Am. bulldogs, Eng. bulldogs, boxers, and frenchies! -We breed for quality over quantity, bitches will never be bred over 4 times, males will never be bred over 10. All dogs sold (especially legacies) will never be given to an inactive or unkept kennel. We do not breed for standard if standard is detrimental to health, and we do not advocate for ear cropping or tail docking UNLESS safety necessary due to working reasons. We do NOT breed for exotic dogs. -FF+ and Science based dog training courses available to all buyers. ;3 -We're working on analyzing behavior and temperaments of dogs, be warned dog aggression is a common breed trait amongst these breeds. If a dog is dog aggressive genetically or not will be listed in their descriptions.! -NO LONGER BREEDING CANE CORSOS AND AMBULLIES, STARTING QUALITY ROTTWEILER BLOODLINES, MY APOLOGIES. ~~Why did we stop breeding corsos and bullies? - I have little to no passion for the breed irl, and I strongly believe most bully breeders add to the already existing dog-in-shelter overpopulation issue. "Pit Bull" is a commonly misinterpreted breed. They are not the fat stocky blockheaded dogs you think about when you hear the term, instead they are small, muscular, high driven game dogs with little to no body fat and the drive to work. "Bullies" are an excuse to keep breeding those fat oversized frenchies they called pits, and in my own world, I do not want to contribute to the creation of such damage. As for corsos, I just had no passion for breeding them. That's all. As for now, I'm cutting down on the number of dogs I have based on how much I like the breed. This is still a bully breeding program, so I'll always stick with my main four, but as of right now, I'm cutting down on other molasser breeds.

Game Time

02:32pm on Mar 14

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