Ruby Fire Kennels
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~Dogs & Kennels~
I have lots of dogs in my kennel, but I specialize in German Sheperds, Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs (Draught Breed Boost 2023!) , Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Pomeranians. I’m aware these are pretty common, but it’s hard to get my hands on high quality dogs of a rarer breed. Still, I’m trying to specialize in Doberman Pinschers next. I am also starting a line of GSMDs (I had a ton from the Draught BB), and I’m trying to get to EEEE, 24HH, lala, and 1.200+ before Akir and/or Woof! Wish me luck! If you didn’t see already, my kennels all have fiery names (hence the “fire” in my kennel name), and I currently have the Fire, Flame, Scorch, Burn and Blaze Kennels. I also have the Phoenix Kennel for my Phoenix blessed dogs.
I have quite a few friends on FP, but I’m always happy to make more! Still, I would appreciate that if you want to send me a friend request, you PM me first to introduce yourself so I can get to know you before randomly friending you. If you do happen to send me a friend request without doing so, I will probably explore your page and decide if I would like to become friends with you (though I mostly likely will), and then accept or decline your friend request. I do have some friends that are very special to me: Woof, Akir, Puppy, and Caroline. You might have met some of them before, most likely Woof or Akir, for Puppy is no longer very active and Caroline is a new player. These are my best friends because I know them IRL, so don’t be offended if you’re not on the list, I like you a lot already for reading all of this :)
~About Me~
I’m a middle schooler in the US, and my pronouns are she/her. I have a mini bernedoodle at home, but I have a lot more dogs in my kennel :) I’m pretty active here on FP, I take care of a few dogs every day, I check the chat forums, and do all my everyday FP things. I also help with the Friends are Fun guild newsletter on Mondays. If you have any additional questions, I’m happy to answer them!
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