Blue Grass Dobermans
Your truck's glass crumbles as you open the door not soon after. You flinch as your right foot hits the ground and groan as you limp around aimlessly. You check your watch but it doesn't turn on so you find a rock to sit on and realize you're stuck in the middle of the forest alone.
You feel hot tears form in your eyes and can't push them back. "This is going to be the end" you think hopelessly. But just then, a light emits through the trees as you are about to drift off to sleep. Without thinking, you rush towards the light ignoring the pain in your leg.
Soon, you come to a moor with a towering figure you think is a house. You climb a fence and try to get to the light. But as soon as you get to the other side, you're knocked down by a large animal. More lights come on and someone walks out a door. You cover your eyes as the light blinds you. The person walks up to you with a leash and collar and gasps. "Oh my goodness! Are you alright?!"
She helps you up and leashes the animal that knocked you down. "Sorry! Charlett is can be a bit clumsy. I hope she didn't hurt you!"
You nod and stroke her. The dog sniffs the ground and nuzzles the woman. "Okay Charlett, Here you go."
She puts down some treats and scratches Charletts ears. "Oh! I never introduced myself!" The woman exclaimed. "I'm Blue, Owner, and trainer of Blue Grass Kennels." You nod. "I'm glad I found you, You could've been really hurt." She says.
You roll your eyes as you think about your ankle. The woman looks a bit embarrassed but turns around. "Anyway, let me show you the dogs."
Welcome to Blue Grass Kennels!
I focus on breeding Dobermans, Tollers, Dalmatians, Standard Poodles, and English Springer Spaniels. I also might have a few side projects but for the most part that’s what I would like to focus on. I recently restarted my kennel and sold all my Sight Hounds and will now focus on other breeds!
Ans yes, I do flip dogs. I will most likely get them for achievements the flip them for a better price. I also take in Shelter dogs and cheap market dogs and then level them up and Flip them. I do make some money from it but I do like doing it. I also sometimes get attached to some of the dogs I plan to flip and keep them. (Thats how I got into Border Collies again)
A little about me!
I am from Wisconsin and in my first year of High school. I play French horn and am involved in many sports and activities! I have one ACD/Border Collie mix who I WISH I could get into sports with. I’ve got tons of fish and reptiles as well.


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