Wagging Tails Boarding and Rescue

WAGGING TAILS IS CURRENTLY CLOSED (REASON: WOLFY IS ON A HIATUS). CHECK BACK TOMORROW! Welcome to Wagging Tails Boarding and Rescue! If you have a dog or several dogs that you need me to take care of, whether permanently or until you have the time to come reclaim them, just PM me with your request and send them over! Boarding (care for a set time, up to one month) is $3 per day per dog using the Basic care package and $5 per day per dog using the Luxury care package – you are expected to pay prior to checkout. Indefinite stays cost $5 per day per dog plus an additional pre-service fee of $1000 per dog; your dog(s) will be allowed to naturally retire unless you claim them before then. I also offer Foster Care and Adoption: Foster Care is free and allows me to sell, gift, trade, etc. your dog(s), while Adoption costs $5000 per dog and ensures that your dog(s) will remain in my care for the remainder of their lifetime(s). Thanks for considering Wagging Tails!

Game Time

07:25am on Feb 15

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