Jemsa Kennels

Welcome to Jemsa Kennels!
I don't accept friend or guild requests, sorry!

Litter Bids: I am working towards my Progenitor Achievements so priority will be given to new buyers. Locked litters with AVAILABLE in the title are open to bids, just message me and I'll unlock them for you.

Breeding: Males become available for breeding once they reach level 30. The breeding fee is related to health (number of HH genes) and the level so it will go up as the dog gains levels. Requests may not be accepted if the dog has already been bred 2-3 times.

Dogs are not automatically unlocked. Once your request has been accepted, please send a polite message with the dog's name and breed asking me to unlock him and I will be happy to do so as soon as I can. The dog will be unlocked for about 24 hours and then locked again. If you miss breeding during that time, I will not unlock again.

Please don't make a breeding request until you are actually ready to breed. I do not appreciate it if I accept a request and then that dog is bred to a different dog. If an accepted request is left waiting more than a couple of days, I will likely reject it. This is because the breeding fees change frequently as the dog levels up, so I won't leave a request waiting for too long. If this happens, you are welcome to try again when you are ready to breed, I don't tend to keep track or hold grudges. :)

Current Tier Progenitor Buyers List:
Aiden (#1450060)
Alaina M (#1671934)
Alanna (#1348749)
Alley (#1704380)
AngelWings (#1704071)
Angus (#1705502)
Anja (#1694871)
anna :) (#1695241)
Ao (#1665980)
Ash (#1707711)
Ash (#1707852)
ATRR (#1069277)
Autumn (#1441640)
Bingle (#1696184)
Cael (#1700829)
Cami (#1656134)
Chanzun (#1301121)
Chickennugnugnug (#1692183)
Chickpea (#1686293)
chloe (#1388319)
chocolyp (#1703217)
CJ (#1680360)
ClassicStarz (#1553182)
cody (#1698727)
Cody (#1466084)
colton mikkelson (#1670200)
Crickett 4 (#1695998)
Crispy Hamster (#1680587)
Dark Dahlia (#1068913)
Delaney (#1565347)
Dizzyizzyhands (#1236914)
Dog Lover (#801143)
Dr.Meaperz (#1508185)
El (#1511719)
Ember (#1521995)
Emily (#11471)
Evie (#1619273)
Faodail (#1683646)
Feral (#547597)
~Firefly~ (#1682171)
greta (#1489457)
Happy Spaniel (#1632054)
Heather (#1671813)
Hreindís (#1642882)
Jah (#1707615)
Jane (#1344282)
Jesse (#1594140)
Joanna's Kennel (#1626639)
juno (#1676062)
Jupiter (#1704506)
Just SJ (#1422884)
Kai (#1705189)
Kalea (#1426024)
Katie (#1546089)
KD (#1637601)
Kendra (#1704060)
Kimberley (#1698424)
kitkat (#1615824)
Kitty (#1351683)
Koriander (#1247734)
Ladybug (#1398373)
Lexi;) (#1696753)
Lillie (#1483666)
Lorelei (#1707210)
Lou (#1703889)
Lovelock (#1448158)
Lucy (#1426507)
Lunastella II (#280026)
Mal (#1650045)
Mav (#1674879)
McKlunkey (#1694809)
michael jackson (#1584452)
Mimi (#1335118)
|\/|oonglade (#1410016)
Mystic (#334950)
Namulia (#1642655)
nik (#1574110)
Rachel (#1704750)
~Rainfall~ (#1575943)
RC {cosmicdaze} (#1555540)
Reezie (#1703795)
Remy (#1642539)
Rune (#1616558)
Sage (#1700011)
Sal (#1686084)
SamaPlays18 (#1706425)
ScrappyDappy (#1670079)
seb (#1702504)
Shinola (#1224571)
Simone (#1675343)
smxkxngkxlls (#1307368)
soren (#7361)
Spaghettification (#1681970)
spaghettiorange (#1683080)
Speedworkers (#1439292)
Sxnitarium (#1619540)
Summy (#1583335)
Taylor (#1171352)
Thanato (#1465393)
The sunshine sandbox (#1700268)
TheTerrierNerd (#1659311)
Tisane (#1619484)
Toria (#1689673)
Tully (#1535836)
TwistedLove (#9901)
Tyra (#1681292)
VICKY (#1698520)
violet (#1696894)
Volley (#1699108)
W G (#1706393)
WolfFang (#1706158)
Wren (#1705387)
Wynsom (#1483884)
ximena (#1708143)
YaYa (#1599639)

Progenitor Breeds:
Saarloos Wolfdog

Highest Level Dog:
- Ash - Flat-coated Retriever - level 97
- Dare - Australian Shepherd - level 94
- Saje - Komondor - level 93
- Carnation - Saarloos Wolfdog - level 92
- Blueberry - Bluetick Coonhound - level 91
- Quicksilver - Greyhound - level 91
- Danger Noodle - Cardigan Welsh Corgi - level 91
- Story - Pointer - level 91
- Swift - Chihuahua - level 91
- Patches - Bluetick Coonhound - level 91

Highest Level Phoenix Dogs:
- Yolks - Australian Shepherd Dog - level 101 - My first level 100 dog on this account!
- Talon - Komondor - level 99
- Bia - Border Collie - level 98
- Summer - American Staffordshire Terrier - level 98
- Catfish - Bluetick Coonhound - level 97
- Blue - Bluetick Coonhound - level 95
- Lizard-Spock - Border Terrier - level 95
- Kat - Pointer - level 95
- Peony - Saarloos Wolfdog - level 95
- Raven - Curly Coated Retriever - level 94
- Star - Greyhound - level 94
- Sunshine - Greyhound - level 94
- Talker - Greyhound - level 94

Most Accomplished Dogs:
2nd Place Most Accomplished
- Ash - Flat-coated Retriever - 2x - 1037 wins - June 24, 2024

3rd Place Most Accomplished
- Ash - Flat-coated Retriever - 1x - 1037 wins - June 23, 2024

Best of Sport Dogs:
- Ash - Flat-coated Retriever - 5x - 1037 wins - my first BEST of SPORT on this account - June 21, 2024

Star Champions:
- Stork Raven Mad - Curly-coated Retriever - level 94
- Lizard-Spock - Border Terrier - level 95

Highest First Day:
- Perseid - Greek Harehound - Level 9 - 138,890 points
- Doctor Smuckers - Rat Terrier - Level 9 - 136,492 points
- Charming - English Springer Spaniel - Level 9 - 136,119 points

This is the breeding kennel connected with Tisane Kennels (#1619484)

Diversifier Breeds:
Afghan Hound
Akbash Dog
Alaskan Klee Kai
Alaskan Malamute
American Bully
American Eskimo Dog
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier
American White Shepherd
Anatolian Shepherd
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Koolie
Azawakh Hound
Bassett Hound
Bedlington Terrier
Belgian Laekenois
Berger Picard
Bichon Frise
Black and Tan Coonhound
Border Collie
Boston Terrier
Boykin Spaniel
Bracco Italiano
Bull Terrier
Cairn Terrier
Canaan Dog
Canadian Eskimo Dog
Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Catahoula Leopard Dog
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Central Asian Shepherd
Chart Polski
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Chinese Crested
Clumber Spaniel
Croatian Sheepdog
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
English Cocker Spaniel
English Mastiff
English Setter
English Springer Spaniel
Field Spaniel
Finnish Lapphund
Flat-coated Retriever
French Bulldog
German Pinscher
German Shorthaired Pointer
German Wirehaired Pointer
Giant Schnauzer
Gordon Setter
Great Dane
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Greek Harehound
Ibizan Hound
Icelandic Sheepdog
Irish Terrier
Irish Wolfhound
Japanese Chin
Kai Ken
Karelian Bear Dog
Kerry Blue Terrier
Korean Jindo
Lagotto Romagnolo
Large Munsterlander
Manchester Terrier
Miniature Dachshund
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever*
Pharaoh Hound
Portuguese Water Dog
Rat Terrier
Redbone Coonhound
Rough Collie
Saarloos Wolfdog
Scottish Terrier
Shetland Sheepdog
Shiba Inu
Silken Windhound
Smooth Collie
Spinone Italiano
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Standard Poodle
Sussex Spaniel
Swedish Vallhund
Taiwan Dog
Tibetan Mastiff
Toy Fox Terrier
Welsh Springer Spaniel
West Highland White Terrier

Game Time

08:09pm on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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