Paula's Paws on the Heart Kennel

Welcome to Paws on the Heart

My niece introduced me to FP and now I am hooked. My kennel is a true cornucopia of many breeds. My love is for big dogs like OES, Bernese, Saint Bernards and the Great Pyrenees, all of which I am trying to develop in my kennel. I am also for the under dog so I am trying to be active in increasing my Norfolk Terriers, Pulis, Canaan, Mastiffs amongst a few.

I am specialising in Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs, Kerry Blue, Africanis, Airedales, Staffies, Czechs and Miniature Schnauzers amongst others. No idea why they are all not more popular. My first line breeding are the Bracco Italianos…no idea why I did it in all 4 main stats, which I will not do again! Sheer lunacy:)


Where they are my main lines then I do have breeding level requirements. I aim to put males out to stud after Level 50 but I am not inflexible so you can always ask. For Breeds in Need, like the GSMD, then I will put younger dogs out to stud. For my main lines then I am reluctant to accept breeding requests if the dog has been bred more than 3 times already. For Breeds in Need then I can be flexible. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO BREED WITHIN 24Hrs as I automatically unlock most dogs when requests are accepted.

Breed Boosts

I am actively involved in Casso Breed Boosts. I will be keeping some but I will have dogs to sell eventually which I will often have levelled to Level 9 or above. If you are interested in any then please just message me.

Bracco Italianos

I have now bred 24HH double stat boosted strength and stamina lines. The charisma line needs minor work on the double stat boost while the speed line still has some issues.

Notes to myself Canaan agi stm males, Bernese, Croats, Braccos, etc

Breeds Klee scent spd, Chihuahuas scent cha

Breeds under Development to 24HH 4x 1.5+ Pulis, Croatians, Elks, Canaans, Bouviers, Sussex, Harriers, Blueticks, Catahoulas, Dogos, Clumbers, Norfolk, Norwich

Chinook and Irish Water Spaniels sort out…

Interstellar/BOS ETC continuation Newfies (water), Portuguese (water), Irish Water (dock) Standard Poodles (dock) GSM (Pulling), Cairn/mini Schnauzers/Norwich (Earth), Chinooks (Sledding), Samoyed(sledding) Bernese (obedience)

Game Time

08:30pm on Mar 28

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